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unk tak: An out-of-date guide book; the skin shed by the snakethat predicts rain
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upang hol: Consciousness that one's agonized actions under-taken for love would look rather funny to
one's friends
upang pla: Consciousness that while one's agonized actionsundertaken for love are on the whole rather
funny to oneself,they might even look heroic to one's friends; a play with acast of three or less
uri rhi : Two lovers drunk together
usano nuto: A novel all about love, written by a computer
usanInut : Dying for love
usanIzun bi: Living for love; a tropical hurricane arrivingover the sea, generally at dawn
uz: Two very large people marrying after the prime of life
uzto kardin : The realization in childhood that one is the issueof two very large people who married after
the prime of life
we faak: A park or a college closed for seemingly good reasons;a city where one wishes one could live
ya gag: Too much education; a digestive upset during travel
ya gag lee: Apologies offered by a hostess for a bad meal; themoment of eclipse
ya ga tuz: Bad meat; (Obs.) dirty fingernails
yagORN: A president
yatuz pati(Obs.): The ceremony of eating one's maternalgrandfather
yatuz shak shak napang holi nun;Lying with one's maternalgrandmother; when hens devour their young
ye flig tot: A group of men smiling and congratulating eachother
yo flu can: Philosophical thoughts that don't amount to much;graffiti in a place of worship; childish
yon torn: A paper tiger; two children with one toy
yonusan : The hesitation a boy experiences before first kissinghis first girl
yor kin be: A house; a circumlocution; a waterproof hat; thesmile of a slightly imperfect wife
yhp pa:A book in which everything is understandable exceptthe author's purpose in writing it; an
afternoon sleigh-ride
yuppa ga: Stomach ache masquerading as eyestrain; a bookin which nothing is understandable except
the author's purposein writing it
yuth mod: The assumed bonhomie of visitors and strangers
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zo zocon : A woman in another field
Heresies of the Huge God
The Secret Book of Harad IV
I, Harad IV, Chief Scribe, declare that this my writing may be shown only to priests of rank within the
Orthodox Universal Sacrificial Church and to the Elders Elect of the Council of the Orthodox Universal
Sacrificial Church, because here are con-tained matters concerning the four Vile Heresies that may not
be seen or spoken of among the people.
For a Proper Consideration of the newest and vilest heresy, we must look in perspective over the events
of history. Accordingly, let us go back to the First Year of our epoch, when the World Darkness was
banished by the arrival of the Huge God, our truest, biggest Lord, to whom all honour and terror.
From this present year, 910 HG, it is impossible to recall what the world was like then, but from the few
records still surviving, we can gather something of those times and even perform the Mental Contortions
necessary to see how events must have looked to the sinners then involved in them.
The world on which the Huge God found himself was full of people and their machines, all of them
unprepared for His Visit. There may have been a hundred thousand times more people than now there
The Huge God landed in what is now the Sacred Sea, upon which in these days sail some of our most
beautiful churches dedicated to His Name. At that time, the region was much less pleasing, being broken
up into many states possessed by different nations. This was a system of land tenure practised before our
present theories of constant migration and evacuation were formed.
The rear legs of the Huge God stretched far down into Africa - which was then not the island continent it
now is - almost touching the Congo River, at the sacred spot marked now by the Sacrificial Church of
Basoko-Aketi-Ele, and at the sacred spot marked now by the Temple Church of Aden, obliterating the
old port of Aden.
Some of the Huge God's legs stretched above the Sudan and across what was then the Libyan
Kingdom, now part of the Seaof Elder Sorrow, while a foot rested in a city called Tunis on what was
then the Tunisian shore. These were some of the legs of the Huge God on his left side.
On his right side, his legs blessed and pressed the sands of Saudi Arabia, now called Live Valley, and
the foothills of the Caucasus, obliterating the Mount called Ararat in Asia Minor, while the Foremost Leg
stretched forward to Russian lands, stamping out immediately the great capital city of Moscow.
The body of the Huge God, resting in repose between his mighty legs, settled mainly over three ancient
seas, if the Old Records are to be trusted, called the Sea of Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the Nile
Sea, all of which now form part of the Sacred Sea. He eradicated also with his Great Bulk part of the
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Black Sea, now called the White Sea, Egypt, Athens, Cyprus, and the Balkan Peninsula as far north as
Belgrade, now Holy Belgrade, for above this town towered the Neck of the Huge God on his First Visit
to us mortals, just clearing the roofs of the houses.
As for his head, it lifted above the region of mountains that we call Ittaland, which was then named
Europe, a populous part of the globe, raised so high that it might easily be seen on a clear day from
London, then as now the chief town of the land of the Anglo-French.
It was estimated in those first days that the length of the Huge God was some four and a half thousand
miles, from rear to nose, with the eight legs each about nine hundred miles long. Now we profess in our
Creed that our Huge God changes shape and length and number of legs according to whether he is
Pleased or Angry with man.
In those days, the nature of God was unknown. No prepara-tion had been made for his coming, though
some whispers of the millennium were circulating. Accordingly, the speculation on his nature was far from
the truth, and often extremely blasphemous.
Here is an extract from the notorious Gersheimer Paper, which contributed much to the events leading
up to the First Crusade in 271 HG. We do not know who the Black Gersheimer was, apart from the
meaningless fact that he was a Scientific Prophet at somewhere called Cornell or Carnell, evidently a
Church on the American Continent (then a differently shaped territory).
'Aerial surveys suggest that this creature - if one can call it that - which straddles a line along the Red
Sea and across south-east Europe, is non-living, at least as we understand life. It may be merely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]