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Look, you have nothing to prove to anyone. Coach ll under-
stand and more than likely be relieved. He doesn t want to see you
hurt unnecessarily.
But I can t stop playing. I ll go mad if I can t play.
I understand that but will your lady understand? Will your
Blake fell silent, the news overwhelming him. What if I can t
What do you suggest?
Does your family still have access to the private clinic?
Go see him. He s worked wonders before, he ll&
He s waiting to hear from us on another case.
Then contact him. You need treatment and soon before this
leads to permanent paralysis. I don t want to see that happen.
What about today?
Don t&
Can t. My lady s expecting to see me on the ice. So is Gran.
You, my friend, are impossible.
For practice, Bryan taped Blake s torso making sure to pad the
bruising. His hope to give Blake s body some support while keep-
ing everything in its natural place would definitely be tested be-
No Deal
cause Blake would put it all out in practice like he did in games
Blake Atherton dedicated to his mistress.
By the way, if anyone strange asks Gran and I are stran-
What the hell are you into?
Get Patrick to explain.
Should I be ready as well?
Aren t you always?
True, Bryan said. Go on, get out of here.
Thanks, friend.
Anytime just remember what I said.
* * * *
When Leighton and Alicia arrived, practice had been going on
for half an hour. From the luxury box, Alicia watched the team try-
ing to find Blake. Her breath caught when she did.
Watching him intently, she saw fluid motion as he skated as
if he d been born with skates on.
They ve already done their drills so it wouldn t surprise me if
they split into teams and have at it.
It s like he&
If my grandson could have skated first then walked, he would
have. God forbid it s ever taken from him.
I saw his side last week thank you for the warning.
I didn t want it shocking you to the point you left him over
It did a little but something else bothers me.
He wouldn t readily admit it but I think it s way more serious
than he wants to say.
What do you mean?
No Deal
I think he felt numbness to his arm. He got up, went to the
dresser and cursed saying, Not now, I don t need this!
I ll speak to him.
Thank you, Alicia said relieved.
As Leighton predicted, the team split in half then played a
short game. The action fast and furious, Alicia had trouble keeping
up though Leighton explained it as best she could.
Another one of Leighton s predictions proved true when Ali-
cia caught sight of a very familiar bald head.
Oh, my God!
Bruno s here, Alicia gasped. He s down there on the lower
Calm down, Leighton said. I ll handle it. Andrew?
Yes, Mrs. Waverly?
I thought today s practice had been closed because of the
That s what my boss told me. Is there a problem?
Leighton pointed Bruno out without actually pointing a finger.
Andrew left and made a phone call to security. Moments later,
they watched several guards escort Bruno out of the arena.
That should take care of that, Leighton said as Alicia let out
the breath she didn t realize she held.
Maybe I should leave& I mean with Bruno knowing we re
not in Boston&
If you leave now, it ll give your husband reason to believe the
worst plus it ll break Blake s heart.
Right now, he sees you here with me. Blake is on the ice
practicing with his team and Bruno is being escorted out. You have
nothing to worry about.
No Deal
What if Bruno gets back inside the building?
On his way out, he will be warned in no uncertain terms that
the next time he is caught in the building without an invitation,
ticket or the like, he will find himself being hauled off to jail. The
owners here are very particular and will not hesitate to press
You re not an owner, are you? Alicia asked, overwhelmed.
No, just a good friend of&
Oh, Alicia said, sinking into a nearby chair.
Leighton hid her amusement as she handed Alicia a glass of
Could I have something stronger?
What would you like?
Double whiskey straight up, Alicia said quickly.
Moments later, Leighton handed her a glass then watched Ali-
cia down it.
Feel better?
Some, Alicia replied. It s funny I met Blake doing the
same thing.
Interesting, Leighton said.
Oh, I m sorry& You must think the worst&
Dear, it s all right, Leighton said. I ve been known to do
the same in my time.
Alicia breathed a sigh of relief then started when she heard a
commotion below them.
What s happening?
The game is over, Blake s side won by two and practice is fi-
nished. He should be up soon.
The phone rang, Andrew answering it.
Mrs. Billings, it s for you, he said.
Who is it? she mouthed.
No Deal
Mister Atherton.
Thank you, she said, taking the cordless phone from him.
* * * *
Yeah, what? Billings said gruffly answering the phone.
I m in Providence, sir.
Mrs. Billings is here as well with the Waverly dame.
Doing what?
Last I saw watching the team practice.
What does that mean?
Several guards threw me out. I ll go to jail if I try to go inside
Billings grumbled, angered by Bruno s constant run-ins with
some sort of law enforcement.
You re an idiot, Bruno.
I found out one piece of information you may be interested
Blake Atherton plays minor league hockey here. I saw him on
the ice.
Any contact with my wife?
Not while I watched no. His concentration centered on the
You ve redeemed yourself a little. Come on back for new
Yes, sir.
Billings ended the call trying to figure out why Blake Atherton
played hockey. A man of his financial well-being should be more
concerned with business than pleasure. He pulled out the dossier
he d had put together and reread it. Blake Atherton proved to be a
No Deal
successful businessman creating and operating Atherton Sports
Group a distributor and designer of innovative sports equipment
holding contracts with major and minor league sports teams up and
down the eastern seaboard.
He pulled out a new sheet to find updated financial informa-
tion on Atherton and shook his head. Never, in all his life, had Lo-
han Billings figured money could actually be made in sports but the
man had Atherton s net worth alone being upwards of one hun-
dred million dollars.
Maybe I ve been acting too hastily and should concentrate on
him instead of the old lady. Of course, I can deal with both I am,
after all, multifaceted. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]