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were cumulative which means that it gets worst the more you give,
He shook Hal a little.
Hal reached up and put his hands around Marshall s arms. He
wrenched his hands off his throat.
Don t you ever do that again! He hissed, touching his throat with
his hands. What in fuck is wrong with you?
You. You are what s wrong with me. You and this whole
goddamned fucking stupid scam!
Don t you go getting chicken shit on me now, you little worm,
Hal grabbed his arm. I ll kill you, I swear.
You can kill me if you want, but no one is going to touch him.
Arsenic and Rio
You idiot! You ve fallen for him, and he s only using you.
If he was only using me, he wouldn t have left me the plantation,
would he? Marshall met his eyes defiantly and pulled his arm away.
Hal sighed and his eyes grew angry. I m going to tell you
something, Marshall. You are the only one keeping him alive. Unless
you do exactly what I tell you, I ll kill him myself.
I m not giving him any more of that poison, Marshall told him.
And, if you push me, I ll tell him everything.
Listen, I m getting that money with or without you. Either you both
live or you both die. I ll get my money either way, Hal threatened.
You re a bastard. I hate you.
Doesn t matter. The only thing that matters is the money, Hal
gave him a terrible smile.
How could I have been so stupid? How could I have let you
manipulate me into doing everything I did, and now this?
Because you are an idiot, with no mind of your own. You are so
pathetic you d be a slave to anyone who said they loved you. Like I told
you before, who in hell would waste their time loving you? You re a
He would, Marshall replied softly, his eyes blurred with tears.
He loves me.
Yeah, and boy did he pick a winner! Hal laughed softly in the
cool night air.
Marshall wrapped his arms around himself, his body filled with
dread. I will go to the police, Marshall said, giving Hal an intense
look of hatred.
You could, Hal shrugged. But you won t, because I guarantee
I ll kill him before the police get here.
He knew he meant it. No, God, please, Marshall grabbed hold of
Hal s arm. Tell me& tell me how to keep him alive. I will do anything,
Hal. I ll give you everything, even my share of the money
Hal shook him off. You re not backing out of this, Marshall, Hal
growled. You are going to that law office, picking up the money and
bringing it to me. It s your name on the papers, not mine. Now, I want
you to go back there and for the next week, double the dose.
Marshall shook his head. No Hal, he shook his head. You get
the doctor. I m not giving him any more. He s sick already.
DJ Manly
Double the dose! He mouthed. When the time is right, I will
send in our man.
Is he a real doctor?
Of course not, stupid, Hal sneered.
Hal, he s going to need a real doctor, Marshall pleaded.
He can get one after we re gone. Do as I say if you want to keep
your lover alive. Now get to hell out of here, I have to get some sleep.
Hal had gone back inside.
Arsenic and Rio
Chapter 49
arshall went home and had the same dream, the one where he
was locked in the dark, in the closet. He got up, took the bottle
with the white powder and dumped it down the toilet.
At night as he held Angelo, he imagined himself stabbing Hal with a
knife over and over until he was sure he was dead. Then, he would fall
asleep and dream he was killing him again.
He could tell Angelo the truth and they could escape, get out of
here, go somewhere Hal would never find them. But he knew Angelo
would never trust him again. No, his best chance of saving him was to
pretend to go along with Hal.
One morning, Angelo woke up moaning. He was too weak to get
out of bed. Marshall got up and put a cold cloth on his face. He told
him he would call a doctor.
The nearest clinic& Angelo began, straining to rise off the bed,
is& Marshall came over and eased him back onto the pillow.
I ll take care of it. Just rest, Marshall said, his stomach in knots.
He placed his face close to his. I love you. I promise you that I ll take
care of you. No one will hurt you.
Angelo gave him a curious look.
I ll get the doctor, Marshall said. It s probably just the flu or
Marshall saddled up the horse and rode down to the fields. When
he saw Hal, he motioned to him. Hal stopped pruning the tree and
came to stand close to him.
Send for your doctor, Marshall said between clenched teeth.
Send for your fake one, and then I m sending for a goddamned real
one, Marshall hissed, leaning down close to his ear.
You doubled it, like I told you to? He asked, wiping his sweaty
DJ Manly
brow with the back of his hand.
Hal, Jesus Christ, Marshall s voice grew louder, tense. He can t
even walk.
Hal nodded. All right, all right. Calm down. I ll get him to come
this afternoon.
Hal, if your doctor doesn t show up by one o clock, I m calling a
real doctor. Do you understand me?
Whatever. He ll be there, Hal smirked.
Marshall didn t answer. He just turned and rode hard back to the
house. He stayed at Angelo s side all morning. Marshall kept a close
watch on the clock. Maria seemed concerned for once. She came in
and brought Angelo some soup, but he couldn t eat.
He threw up three times, vomiting blood& Marshall cleaned it up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]