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helpless man. Her car charged forward, a small bronze missile, blasting toward the dark threat of
the looming SUV.
Her daring forced the other driver to choose hitting her head-on or turning aside. The
big vehicle swerved to miss her a half second too late. A sickening screech of crumpling metal
signaled a mangled rear quarter panel. Her car spun out, tires squealing. She fought for
control, steering relentlessly into the direction of the skid.
She prayed for the brakes to work, pressing them with desperate force. Finally, the car
lurched up on the sidewalk with a teeth-rattling jolt. Clawing free of her safety belt, Ciara
tumbled out onto pavement.
She dashed to the downed man, fear clutching her throat, making it hard to breathe.
Seeing long dark hair spilled against the sidewalk, she pressed her fist hard into her mouth,
wanting to deny the evidence in front of her, but knowing it was Zach who was lying inert on the
cracked cement. A gun lay on the ground next to him. Another weapon still clutched in his right
hand. Her limbs afflicted with a strange weighty malady. She was too slow, too clumsy, too
scared, and she had no time.
She held her breath while checking him for a pulse, stifling a sob of relief when she
found it, muttering prayers for strength and help.
She heard Ian s voice, steady and reassuring as he talked to a dispatcher.  I need help.
An officer s down at the intersection of Trenton Avenue and Sixteenth Street .& 
Concentrating on Zach, Ciara examined first with her eyes, and then carefully with her
hands. Fear had paralyzed her for only a few seconds. Now those moments felt way too long.
Her fingers trembled as she tugged off her tee shirt, and then used it as a makeshift tourniquet on
Zach s wounded arm.
The puddle of blood under him smelled coppery and shimmered in the flickering
streetlight with deadly menace. Spreading stains of red bloomed on both sides of the tourniquet.
The wound to his upper arm didn t explain his stillness. Where else was he hurt? Why wasn t
he moving?
She heard sirens and thanked god for the fast answer to her prayers.
Within seconds, Ian was kneeling beside her, shadowing her actions. She kept pressure
on Zach s arm wound for long minutes.
Then the deserted intersection exploded with light, noise, and action. Patrol cars, an
ambulance, and a medic unit roared up, all with sirens wailing and lights flashing. Each parked
haphazardly, spilling people into the controlled chaos.
Rough hands pulled her away from Zach. She didn t protest. Medics took her place. A
big tent of tee shirt slipped over her head. The garment, still warm, felt comforting. Someone
reeled off her Miranda rights. He sounded like Ian, but that didn t make sense. A hand closed
around her upper arm, not painfully, but with enough force to convince her cooperation was her
best choice.
 Gun s right here, a voice pronounced with a mix of excitement and disgust.
She wanted to ask about Zach, but the words weren t forming. She felt cold, heard a
buzzing sound, and then saw stars, which she d always thought was only an expression. Then
* * * *
Regan watched as Ian swiveled, scanning the area, and then lock ed in on her. Perhaps
stray pheromones had announced her presence. She hadn t needed hormone markers to zone in
on him the moment she d entered the surgery waiting room.
Ian would draw any woman s attention. He had on black jeans, but his shirt was missing
in action, his torso protected by the thin body armor vest. For a second she thought he was
injured. She sprinted toward him, searching for signs of damage. None. Gratitude flooded into
her system along with oxygen as she grabbed a huge breath, right before she threw herself into
his arms.
He caught her. Held her tight. Whispered a litany of reassurance as he ushered her into
an empty office. He handed her a clean hanky, giving her time to regain her composure while he
kept one arm around her.
 Zach s been shot. She raised her tear stained face, needing to see him more than she
needed to hide her vulnerability.
 I was there.
Regan s gaze flew to his at the cautious tone of his voice.  You were there?
 Yeah, but I didn t see the shooter.
 What were you and Zach doing there?
 Anonymous tip. Zach called me for backup.
 Put me in the picture.
Ian closed his eyes and thought for a couple of seconds before he started.
Regan didn t interrupt. When he finished she could ve diagramed the scene for a jury
with complete confidence.
 After the shooting, then what?
 Ciara must ve run right to Zach.
 How d she beat you? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]