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brought his knee into Jin s abdomen. Jin s fang sliced his lip and the knee
knocked him off balance, but not enough to keep him from stopping Flaxon s next
Jin caught Flaxon s punch with his left hand, and with rapid precision,
landed a hard right in his ribs. He was deliberate in pulling his punch just before
impact. He only meant to crack his ribs, not kill him.
A blinding pain exploded in Flaxon that made him coughed blood. He was
wheezing when the next punch, on his jaw, sent him staggering for the wall. It
took all his effort not to scream out in pain when he collided with it. In his haze,
he saw Jin coming for him again, so he used one of his more advance vampire
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The Alpha Promise Hayat Ali
skills, speed. He quickly grabbed a book and flung it fast enough to hit Jin in spite
of his reflexes. The book cut Jin above his left eye.
Jin was incensed. Flaxon was proving to be a little too resilient. But it was
time to end this and show who was superior. In a blink, Jin was in front of Flaxon
pummeling him, cracking the ribs even further, punching his face a couple of
times, before landing a heavy blow to his stomach. When Jin stepped back,
Flaxon fell face down to the floor. Jin grabbed Flaxon by his hair and pulled him
You never should have touched my mate, bastard.
So I guess this is the punishment? mumbled Flaxon. He glanced up at
Jin. Do what you will, but remember I did what I did to protect my people.
What?! You put your fuckin lips on my mate for your people?! You
tried to screw her to protect them?!
Flaxon s face turned stone as Jin jerked him to his feet. Jin s face inches
from Flaxon s.
It was bad enough that you took her, but then you tried to take advantage
of her. I could kill you for what you did, he whispered harshly.
Flaxon glared back. You ve got to be fucking kidding. You get your mate
all hot and bothered, and it s my fault that she sought me to satisfy her needs.
Don t blame me for putting her in that state. That was all you, High Prince.
Jin growled at him, baring his teeth, and Flaxon responded in kind. Quickly, Jin
let go of Flaxon s hair and used the other hand to grip his throat. Flaxon refused
to let Jin see the effect the lack of air was having. He continued to glare even as
his vision faded.
Jin! Stop it!
He froze before turning slowly to see an irate, not scared Adina. Her eyes
glinted fiercely as she rose from the bed. Jin growled at her and was mildly
surprised when she bared her small fangs, growling in kind. They stared at each
other menacingly before he released Flaxon. Flaxon fell to his knees. One hand
held his throat while he tried to catch his breath.
Stay out of this Adina, snapped Jin.
Don t tell me to stay out this. What the hell do you think you re doing,
beating him to death in my fucking room?
Jin s fist curled and tightened. She was trying to sit taller on the bed, one
hand rubbing her stomach, as if trying to reassure her children. Even with the
distance between them, he sensed his children s anxiety. Their concern that he
might fatally harm Flaxon only fueled his ire. His fangs were bared in rage when
he saw Flaxon picking himself up.
See what you ve done? Jin hissed, reaching for Flaxon again.
Don t ignore me! Adina yelled behind him.
Jin clenched his jaw, then turned sideways so that he could keep his eye
on Flaxon. Adina, he growled.
You tell me why you re fighting him! I told you, it wasn t his fault
It was his choice to take you! he raged. He had no right to go near you
without my consent. He had no right to place his filthy lips on you, to take
pleasure from you when you were weak.
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The Alpha Promise Hayat Ali
You know what, Jin? It all happened because you weren t there! she
hollered back. He protected me when you didn t come, no matter how I begged
you, and don t tell me you didn t know I was scared, you fucking had to know. I
could feel you in my head!
What do you think? That I didn t want to protect you? That I could come
here without anyone hunting you? Do you think I wanted all this to happen? he
hollered back.
Adina s face hardened. So because you were busy I was left unprotected,
but the one person who took the time to do your job, you want to beat to death.
When were you going to make time for me? When there was nothing left but a
body to collect?
Jin s eyes darkened to a midnight color. Do you think he came out some
noble need to protect you? He used you, took advantage of you
Jin, he didn t.
Why are you so sure he didn t? Jin said through his teeth. Or are you
just trying to protect him?
Jin, she doesn t understand, Flaxon choked out.
Shut up, Jin snapped at him before returning his glare to her.
Adina glared right back, lips pressed tightly together.
I don t understand what you re saying. Of course he was using of me!
But that s not the point. He was there when
Don t say it again! You would honor and protect a liar! Don t you
remember what he did to you? Don t you know he threatened to keep you from
me if I refused to meet with him on his terms? This thing you would protect from
me, your mate, as if I have no right to be angry. What do you want of me?
She stared at him steadily. Spare him. I do remember what he did but in
the end he stopped himself and me. What happened, happened. There s no need
for all this fighting. Let him go.
He turned away, coolly regarding Flaxon. There was a pain in his chest
that he couldn t describe but he knew why it was there. The betrayal was burning
a hole in him. His jaw tightened, then relaxed. He looked down at Flaxon with
eyes devoid of emotion. Flaxon shook his head mumbling, She doesn t
Understand what, Adina asked, annoyed. Don t pretend I m not in this
room. I can still hear.
You don t understand what you chose.
Jin watched Flaxon roll his eyes. High Prince, she s human. Keep that in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]