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mouth on hers, she became willing. As if, as long as her mind was occupied with the
feelings of lust and arousal, she didn t have time to think of all the reasons not to be with
Mary s hands were shaking, her stomach slightly nauseous, and that damn pain was
spiking through her gut. On the other hand, a pulse had set up between her thighs and she
ached to feel completion. God, she wanted to follow him up those stairs. After the day
she d had, she wanted nothing more than to lose herself in his arms, in his comfort, but
she knew what would happen as soon as she got naked. She glanced down at her childish
pajamas and cringed. Stupid, stupid, stupid Mary.
 Are you going to answer or are we just going to sit here all night?
 I work for you.
 I told you last night that didn t matter to me.
She nibbled on the inside of her bottom lip. She figured he was an honorable enough
man that no matter what happened between them, she probably wouldn t be
long as their working relationship didn t suffer. But how could it not suffer? How could
she face him after... If he saw... God, she wanted him, and that wanting made her ache.
Her chin started that wobbly thing as she fought back the tears. She d made it
through all that crap this morning and hadn t cried. She didn t want to blubber now.
Leanne Karella
Having never been a crier, it seemed every time she turned around she was crying lately.
Ever since she met Jacob Stone.
Lifting her chin and expelling a tightly pent-up breath, she met his gaze. Mistake. He
was looking at her with those dark, dark eyes, waiting for some kind of explanation from
her. Okay, time for the truth.
 You and I are not compatible. She swallowed back the pain her words caused her.
 I really don t know what you think you will get from me, but I m sure you ll be
He just stared at her. Didn t say a word.
 I don t have any experience with men, only my husband and she
shrugged. She knew more than anybody what little experience she d gotten during sex
with Sheldon. He was the epitome of wham, bam, thanks for nothing, ma am.  Anyway, I
have the feeling you re much more...sophisticated than I am and...I wouldn t want you to
be dissatisfied.
 Cut the bullshit.
Mary stiffened at his harsh tone and the words he d uttered. When he lunged to his
feet and stalked toward her she took a few steps back, but he kept coming until the back
of her thighs pressed against the back of the sofa. He didn t make a grab for her, just
crowded and towered as he glowered down at her.
 Why don t you try telling me the truth? I don t give a good goddamn if you ve only
had one lousy partner. I don t give a shit about your lack of experience. And I sure as hell
don t think we re incompatible. He raised his hands, making her flinch. But he tenderly
cupped her face between his palms.  Mary, honey. He gazed into her eyes and she felt
all her fears melting away. He was so tender, so sweet she physically ached to be pulled
into his arms.  At least be honest with me. Why don t you want to sleep with me?
 I do. The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.
His lips kicked up on one side, his blue eyes darkened a bit more.  Then what s
stopping you?
 The truth? she asked, stalling.
He nodded.
 I don t want you to see me.
His thumbs rubbed lightly over her cheeks and his gaze never wavered. He
moistened his lips with his tongue, but her nipples responded as if he d licked them
 You know, sweetheart, I think that ex-husband of yours should be strung up by his
A gusty giggle broke free, releasing some of the tension inside her, relaxing her
ragged nerves.
 Look at me, Jacob said, his voice gravelly.
Mary slowly raised her gaze from his lips to his eyes. God, he was gorgeous. And he
wanted to have sex with her. Why, oh why was she denying herself this? Just once? Just
once, take a chance and see what it feels like to be held in strong arms against his big,
beautiful body. To know what having someone like Jacob, who d be tender and sweet
and probably wouldn t even let her know what he thought of her body no matter how
disgusted he was by it, buried deep inside her.
 Trust me, he whispered, then touched his lips to hers. So soft, so sweet.  Trust
She slowly nodded, never taking her eyes off him.  Okay, she said on a soft sigh.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. A hug. Tears
prickled her eyes as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. My God, she
thought, how long had it been since someone hugged her? Really just held her? She [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]