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and pleasure.
Oh, God, help me, she prayed. Maybe she prayed out loud, because Trevor reached
down between their joined bodies and strummed his thumb over her unbearably sensitive
center. At the same time, he angled deep and drove into her.
For one suspended moment, their eyes met. His lips moved and she heard his rough,
shocked, Jesus, Stacy. Then sensations blasted through her like a shock wave. Eyes
closed, head thrown back, she spasmed helplessly, endlessly. With a low, tortured sound,
he plunged again, and she shattered in his arms.
Trevor stared at the woman asleep in his bed, and because he couldn t help himself,
brushed his fingertip lightly over her soft, slightly kiss-swollen lips. She was a beautiful
contradiction, this provocative yet alluringly innocent stripper.
The innocence hadn t been an act or not completely. The last time he d taken
someone s virginity he d been a sweaty-palmed teenager, but it wasn t the kind of
experience a man forgot. Until tonight, the woman nestled beside him had been a virgin.
Not the sex-for-sport man-eater Vern had described to Ian. That left only two options.
Either the people at Deuces didn t know her at all, or the woman beside him wasn t Stacy
A detail shook loose from the stack of facts stored in his brain. Just a small piece of
information Ian had offered when he first ran their almost-witness. No brothers. One
sister. He d barely heard it at the time because they were looking at male relatives. They
weren t interested in her sister.
He was now. Careful not to wake his exhausted bedmate, he slid out of bed and made
his way to the dining room he d converted into a home office. He sat at the small desk
with his laptop, spotted his Yukon parked in the driveway through the curtains, and sent
out a silent thanks to Ian. After entering the security codes, he accessed the online file for
the Carlton Long murder. He scrolled through the file directories to witnesses, opened the
folder, and scrolled again until he located the subfile for Stacy Roberts. Clicking the file,
he paged through the scanned reports and homed in on the immediate family. He
perused the information, reacquainting himself with her date of birth. Then he came to
the sister: Kylie Roberts. Exact same birthday.
Twins. He banged his fist against the desk before he could stop himself. How could they
have missed this? He d bet his left nut they were identical twins. He d ante up the right
one on the hunch the woman asleep in his bed was none other than Kylie Roberts.
The deduction explained a lot. Like why, for him, the dry facts about Stacy never
reconciled with the living, breathing woman. Why a seasoned stripper came across as an
enticing but inexperienced novice, and turned out to be a virgin. It explained why she
hadn t recognized Carlton Long or Alex Montenegro during the first interviews, but later
remembered exactly which routines she d used with each of them. He d interviewed Kylie.
Then she d run to Stacy and learned what she needed to know so she d be prepared the
next time they spoke. And she had been prepared, impressively so.
The pieces continued falling into place in his mind as he shut down the computer and
walked back to the bedroom. The woman tucked under his covers made a small,
distressed sound in her sleep.
He sighed. No wonder her dreams troubled her. On top of finding herself at the center
of a murder investigation, she d been living a lie, posing as Stacy. The bigger question
why demanded an answer. Thinking back on their conversation earlier in the evening,
he realized she d been absolutely right about one thing. This was going to be ugly.
Chapter Ten
Kylie s internal clock woke her at four thirty. Immediately, she realized Stacy s get him
out of your system strategy didn t do the trick right away because her happy body
wanted nothing more than to snuggle in next to Trevor s big, warm frame and revisit
every inch of him. Her mind, however, stubbornly insisted she get her butt moving.
The voice of reason, which had been so quiet last night, now pointed out that by
sleeping with Trevor she d taken a foolish and dangerous risk. She wasn t the person he
thought she was, and the more time she spent in close, intimate contact with him, the
sooner he d figure it out. He was way too perceptive. And after everything she d
experienced in his arms last night, this morning she was way too susceptible to him, too
vulnerable to pull off a Stacy act. Better all around to make a quick, quiet exit.
Carefully, she eased off the bed. Her heart stalled for a moment when she heard him
shift on the mattress, but his breathing remained slow and even, and soon he stilled.
Mouthing a silent thank-you to the patron saint of women slinking from strange beds, she
searched the dark bedroom for her clothes before remembering they were somewhere by
the front door. His shirt, however, lay on the floor by his side of the bed. She crawled
over and picked it up.
She was crouched there with one arm in the shirt when the light clicked on and a deep,
sleep-rough voice broke the silence. Going somewhere?
Wincing at the indignity of being caught mid-slink, she slipped her other arm into the
shirt and concentrated on the buttons. Her hands weren t quite steady. He had that effect
on her.
I have an early appointment. I didn t want to wake you.
I ve been awake for a while. After last night, I wouldn t want you to leave without
saying a proper good-bye. It wouldn t seem right.
She stood and blew her hair out of her eyes, then looked at him. Big mistake. Propped
up on his pillow, with his disheveled hair, sleepy eyes, and raspy jaw, he was hard to
walk away from. Because every hormone she possessed clamored to crawl back in bed
with him, she responded more brusquely than she intended. Okay, fine. Good-bye,
Good-bye& Kylie.
Oh, shit. She stared at her feet. You knew.
Not until last night.
What gave me away?
She heard the rustle of sheets and the creak of bedsprings. Then his hand was under [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]