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colored glass, Étienne jerked to the right. His wings snapped open
again, apparently attempting to slow their descent, but he cried out
in pain and their landing became a tumble.
Étienne tucked his wings to his back and curled around
Philippe tight as they hit the stones, rolling with the impact until
they fetched up against a wall.
Dizzy, ears ringing, Philippe shook his head and realized he lay
stretched out atop Étienne once again. The clawed hands still
gripped him tight, but Étienne s eyes were closed.
 Tien? Philippe stroked his face, fear gnawing at his belly.
 Are you hurt? Tien?
One eye cracked open.  If I say that I am, will you kiss me?
Philippe grabbed him by his horns and captured his lips in a
searing kiss, his tongue storming Étienne s battlements to plunder
his mouth.  You foolish thing, he scolded when he let Étienne
breathe again.  I don t need such dire reasons to kiss you. But you
frightened the piss out of me. You shouldn t have pushed yourself
so far.
Étienne s jaw jutted.  I made you a promise. I keep my
 You did not promise me that you would fly to the point of
pain. Nor did you promise not to rest if you needed to. Philippe
drummed his fingers on Étienne s chest as he spoke.
 Ah. Hmm. Étienne s brows drew together, his mulish
expression fading.  I suppose now you will tell me what a
stubborn, prideful man I am.
 No need. You ve said it quite well yourself.
 Forgive me, Philippe. I did not wish to alarm you.
Philippe kissed him again, a tender pressing of lips that had
him squirming atop that hard body.  You gave me a wondrous gift,
cher. There is nothing to forgive.
Étienne gazed up at him with a gusty sigh.  You unravel me. I
want you now, this instant, and I must wait if we re to have any
success come morning.
Philippe scrambled off his impromptu mattress and searched
about until he found his bag from which he pulled the blanket he
had packed.  Come, Tien. You must rest. In a few hours, you may
have all you desire. Patience.
A soft cry accompanied Étienne s rolling over to sit up.
 Damn& damn& 
 You are hurt! Philippe crawled back to him as fast as he
 It s just the wing. Étienne tried to stretch the right wing out
and hissed in pain.  I seem to have strained it. He moved back
when Philippe reached for him.  No need for such concern. It will
be healed when next I change. He took Philippe s hand in a
careful grip.  And if we succeed, after tonight, I need never worry
about wings again.
Philippe considered this as he stroked one of Étienne s claws.
 Will that sadden you? If you never fly again?
Étienne craned his neck, trying to look at the damaged wing.
 Part of me will miss it, surely. But already I have experienced
what no man has a right to, and to trade that for my brothers, for
my life, for being human once again? I d consider it a fair bargain,
and no regrets.
 Well and fine. Philippe scooted around to run a gentle hand
over the injured wing before Étienne could jerk away again.  It
doesn t seem broken.
 No. I broke a wing once. Far more painful. Étienne s eyes
slid shut.  Your hands are wonderful.
 Is it& pleasurable? To have your wings touched?
 No one has ever touched them before. The injured wing
stretched a bit more.  But I do believe it is. Oh, yes.
 So soft. Like& 
 Well, yes. Philippe felt himself flush.  Though I suppose that
should have been obvious.
Étienne cleared his throat.  Perhaps you should stop.
 It hurts?
 Ah, no. Quite the contrary.
Philippe peeked over Étienne s shoulder. His impressive
erection stood poker straight from his body, a pearl drop leaking
from the tip. He adjusted his own erection in his braies and
stomped down on the desire to lap up that shining drop.  I see.
He coaxed Étienne onto the blanket and lay on his back with
Étienne s head resting on his chest. To distract them both from
their growing sexual frustration, he began to tell stories of his
childhood, about the old cherry tree and how his brothers had
taunted him into climbing too high one day and how they had
thought him dead when a branch snapped and he fell. He talked of
his father and the work he did, and of his mother and her
wonderful pies.
At some point, Étienne drifted off into a light doze. He claimed
he never slept when he was alone, though he seemed able to fall
asleep easily enough in his lover s arms. Philippe simply held him
close, waiting for dawn. He clung to every moment, as each minute
closer to daylight meant the return of Étienne s life as it should be.
Stubborn as he was, he might well try to keep Philippe with him,
but his brothers would surely forbid it. This strange and lovely
dream would all end soon.
As the gray light of false dawn tinged the sky, Étienne stirred
and tightened his arm around Philippe s waist. He lifted his head,
careful of his horns, to nuzzle at his throat, sending a frisson of
heated desire straight to Philippe s balls. Using his claws with
unexpected delicacy, he undid the drawstring and tugged the braies
down to Philippe s thighs.
 Tien? Philippe whispered.  What do you need? What would
be best for you?
Étienne licked over the curve of Philippe s ear.  I want to feel
you move within me. I want you to fuck me.
It was a delicious thought, but Philippe hesitated.  I don t think
you should lie on your back with your injured wing, and I may
have& it s difficult for me to take you from behind.
 I ll gladly ride you, my handsome painter. Étienne rose,
shoving Philippe s shirt and tunic up under his armpits.  You
needn t even stir yourself.
A hard moan shuddered from Philippe as Étienne flicked a
nipple with his tongue. He wrapped his hands around the curled
horns as the lick became a hard suck, arching up into Étienne s
eager mouth. He gripped the ridged horns harder and forced
Étienne s head up.
 I don t need much encouragement, Tien. Toy with me too
long and I will fail you.
Étienne gave him a wink.  I think my brave painter
underestimates his prowess. But I will leave off tormenting you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]