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they coordinated their acrobatic moves.
Ramses had been admitted as a friend of Moses, a
favorite with the harem dancers, though today they did little
to lighten his mood. Compared to his friends, Setau was
blithe. He had already found his true calling, studying
snakes and dealing with the constant threat of sudden
death. Moses wished he could also find his life s work, but
instead he was caught in a tangle of administrative tasks.
His performance was nevertheless so outstanding that he
was slated for his own directorship once there was an
One day, he promised Ramses, I m going to leave it
all behind.
What do you mean?
I m not quite sure, but I do know I can t stand it here
much longer.
We ll leave together.
A perfumed dancer brushed against the two friends,
failing to raise their spirits. When the number was over,
however, they let themselves be talked into staying for
refreshments. By a blue-tinted pond, the dancers and their
teachers showered Prince Ramses with questions about the
court, his work as a royal scribe, his future plans. His
answers were unforthcoming, almost curt. The disap-
pointed girls started playing a game, quoting poetry their
friends had to identify, a good way to show off their literary
122 Christian Jacq
Ramses noticed that one of the group remained silent.
Younger than her companions, with shiny jet black hair and
blue-green eyes, the girl was stunning.
What s her name? he asked Moses.
Why so shy?
She s new at the harem and comes from a humble
family. Her gifts as a weaver are what brought her here. Now
she s the best at everything she tries, and the society girls
resent her.
The dancers decided to try their luck with the prince
again. Was it true that he planned to marry Iset the Fair?
Even so, a prince was supposed to have a bigger heart than
other men, with room . . . Ramses turned his back on their
teasing and took a seat beside Nefertari.
My sitting here probably bothers you.
Disarmed by his frankness, she gazed at him anxiously.
Excuse the intrusion, but you seemed so alone.
I was only thinking.
Is there something on your mind?
We have to write an essay on one of Ptah-hotep s
My favorite sage! Which one will you choose?
I m not sure yet.
What are you studying here, Nefertari?
Floral design. I love arranging flowers for the gods and
I hope to spend most of my time in the temple.
An austere existence for a young girl.
I like meditation. It gives me strength. The sacred writ-
ings say that silence makes the soul grow like a flowering
The dance instructor was rounding up her students; they
had to change before grammar class. Nefertari stood to go.
Ramses: The Son of Light 123
Wait . . . may I ask you a favor?
The teachers are strict, they don t like us to be late.
Tell me which maxim you ve chosen.
Her smile would have melted the most hardened warrior.
A perfect word is rarer than green stone, yet the servant
girl grinding wheat at the millstone may possess it.
Airy and luminous, she vanished.
amses stayed another week at the Merur harem without
Rfinding a chance to see Nefertari again. Moses effi-
ciency was rewarded with extra assignments, leaving him
little time to spend with his friend. However, the talks they
did have were a source of strength for them both, and they
vowed to keep a keen edge on their heightened consciousness.
The news that Seti s younger son was visiting quickly
spread through the harem. Elderly noblewomen asked to
speak with him; some, it was clear, had tired all their earlier
listeners. Any number of instructors and administrators
had requests for him. The head of the harem showed him
every consideration, hoping Ramses would put in a good
word with his father. It became a major undertaking to find
124 Christian Jacq
a quiet corner where he could sit and read. Feeling like a
prisoner in paradise, he gathered his bag, his reed mat and
walking stick, and left without a word to anyone. Moses
would understand.
Watcher had been eating too much, as usual. A few days
of walking would get him back in shape.
The chief of palace security was exhausted. In his entire
career he had never worked so hard, running all over town,
arranging meetings with bureaucrats, checking and rechecking
facts, then calling some of his contacts in for further ques-
tioning and threatening them with the direst consequences.
Had there really been pressure to close the investigation,
or had the wheels of bureaucracy simply ground to a halt?
It was hard to tell. He had definitely received some veiled
threats himself, but there was no way to trace them to their
source. At any rate, he had more to fear from the queen than
from the most ruthless politician or businessman.
When he was sure that despite every effort he had come
up against a brick wall, he appeared before Queen Tuya.
Your Majesty, rest assured of my complete dedication.
I m more interested in results.
You asked me to find the truth, whatever it might be.
I did.
I don t think you ll be disappointed, because
Let me be the judge. The facts, please.
The security chief hesitated. Allow me to point out that
my responsibility A look from the queen cut short his
attempt to give himself credit. The truth can be difficult
to hear, Your Majesty.
Ramses: The Son of Light 125
I m listening.
He swallowed hard.
Well, I have two catastrophes to report.
Ahmeni carefully copied out the decrees that were a stan-
dard part of the royal scribe s duties. Although miffed at
Ramses failure to confide in him, he knew the prince would
be back. He continued to do his job as if nothing were out
of the ordinary.
When Watcher came bounding into his lap and slathered
his cheek with soft, moist kisses, Ahmeni forgot his hurt
feelings and greeted Ramses enthusiastically.
I was sure I d find your office empty, the prince con-
Who would take care of business, then?
I don t think I would have put up with being deserted
like that.
No, and you wouldn t have to. The gods gave us dif-
ferent roles in life, and I accept mine.
Ahmeni, forgive me.
I swore I d be your faithful servant, and I ll keep my
word. I don t want demons from hell to slit my throat! So
you see, I m only thinking of myself. How was your trip?
Ramses told him about the harem, Moses, Setau, but
skipped his brief encounter with Nefertari a moment of
grace he stored in his mind like a jewel.
You came back just in time, Ahmeni informed him.
The queen wants to see you as soon as possible and Ahsha
has asked us to dinner.
126 Christian Jacq
Ahsha showed them through the official residence the
Foreign Service had just assigned him, in the center of
town, not far from the State Department. Young as he
was, he already had the polish of a seasoned diplomat.
Impeccably groomed, he wore the latest Memphis fashion,
simple in cut but bold in color. His natural elegance was
underscored with a newfound self-assurance. Ahsha was
obviously on his way.
You seem to be doing well, Ramses remarked.
I was in the right place at the right time. My report on
the Trojan War turned out to be dead accurate. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]