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selection nominate two candidates each. Awards are based on leadership, scholastic attainment,
success in outdoor sports, and interviews. Scholarship winners may select any course of study at
Oxford that they are qualified to pursue. In some cases the scholarship may be extended to cover a
third year in postgraduate study.
For most of the 19th century, the House of Rothschild, a Jewish family of bankers, ruled the money
markets of Europe. Many European nations borrowed money from them to pay debts, to wage wars, or
to finance peacetime projects. The family name was derived from the red shield (rothen Schilde in
German) used by an ancestor as a sign for his shop.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) laid the foundation of the family fortune. He was born in the
Jewish quarter of Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. He became a tradesman and provided some banking
services, such as exchanging currencies. An expert in rare coins, Mayer Amschel gained admittance to
many wealthy homes, notably that of the elector William of Hesse-Kassel. Soon he was entrusted with
some of the elector's major financial affairs. Mayer Amschel raised his five sons to work in the family
The Rothschilds owed their rise as international bankers largely to the Napoleonic Wars. Mayer
Amschel's third son, Nathan Mayer (1777-1836), went to England in about 1800 and ran goods for the
British through Napoleon's blockade. With his brothers' help, Nathan Mayer also transported gold
through France to finance the British army in Spain. This action earned Nathan a post as agent of the
British treasury. At the war's end the House of Rothschild was commissioned to handle loans to
France and Austria.
Nathan' s brother Jacob, or James (1792-1868), established a bank in Paris, France, and his brother
Salomon Mayer (1774-1855) set up a bank in Vienna, Austria. A bank in Naples, Italy, founded later
by another brother, Karl Mayer (1788-1855), failed to thrive and was closed in about 1861. The oldest
brother, Amschel Mayer (1773-1855), remained in charge of the financial business in Frankfurt.
The House of Rothschild financed railroads in Europe and America and provided loans to the United
States. Nathan Mayer' s son Lionel Nathan (1808-79) in 1875 loaned Britain the money used by Prime
Minister Benjamin Disraeli to buy control of the Suez Canal. Lionel Nathan was the first Jew to be
elected to the British Parliament, and his son Nathan Mayer (1840-1915) became the first Baron
The Rothschilds have received many honors. Members of the British and French families--the only
ones still engaged in banking after the Nazis seized the Austrian house--have distinguished themselves
as scientists and philanthropists.
(1863 -1945). At the age of 17, a small slender Welshman visited the British House of Commons.
Afterward he recorded in his diary his hope for a political career. The Welshman, David Lloyd
George, in time became the prime minister who guided Great Britain to victory over Germany in
World War I.
http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles2/rd-table.html (10 af 11) [03-03-2002 11:37:39]
David George was born on Jan. 17, 1863, in Manchester, England, where his Welsh father, William
George, had gone to teach school. His father died in June 1864. Soon after, the family returned to
Wales. David was educated by his uncle, Richard Lloyd, the village cobbler. In his honor the boy took
the name Lloyd. At the age of 14 he began to study law and at 21 was admitted to practice as a
solicitor. In 1890 he was elected to Parliament as a Liberal from the Welsh borough of Caernarvon.
"The great little Welshman" held his seat in the Commons for 55 years.
(1841-1929). In 1917, near the end of World War I, Georges Clemenceau accepted the post of premier
of France. His country seemed on the verge of losing the war; but the premier, a man of 77, guided his
people to victory. After the war he presided at the peace conference.
Clemenceau founded a daily paper, L'Aurore, to aid the cause of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, convicted of
selling French military secrets to Germany. Émile Zola's famous article in defense of Dreyfus,
`J'Accuse' (I Accuse), was published in this paper in 1898. In 1913 Clemenceau founded L'Homme
libre, meaning The Free Man, in which he warned of the danger of war with Germany. The paper was
briefly suppressed in 1914 but reappeared as L'Homme enchaîné, (The Man in Chains).
In 1919, while presiding at the peace conference, Clemenceau was wounded by an anarchist. In 1922
he toured the United States to urge cooperation with Europe. He continued to write until his death in
Paris on Nov. 24, 1929.
http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles2/rd-table.html (11 af 11) [03-03-2002 11:37:39]
Additional recommended free reading:
Also download one or more of the following electronic publica-
tions if you want to know about the global mind control that is
threatening to create a global fascist one-party superstate in the
next few years:
* The Robot s Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
* And The Truth Shall Set You Free - The most explosive book of the 20th century
* I am me I am free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom
* The Biggest Secret - The book that will change the world
INTERNET: (mp3-files)
* From The Ancient World To 2012
* Art Bell 11-11-98 Bloodlines&TheNewWorldOrder
* Human sacrifice and Satanic ritual involving the most famous people
in the world - 3 hour interview of Arizona Wilder
* Human sacrifice and Satanic ritual involving the most famous people
in the world - 3 hour interview of Arizona Wilder
To find these (unofficial) files you may have to search some of the file sharing
networks like the KaZaA/Grokster network.
They are not yet available for download at the (official) website:
This page was added to the original document in May 2002 by an
independant truth seeker not affiliated with David Icke in any way. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]