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/ C. reflection / D. image gently. * A. windscreen / B. dashboard / C. clutch / D.
145. In a few hours we ......... the test, and we ll go home and rest. indicator
* A. have finished / B. are finished / C. will have finished / 8. In order to ......... with his studies he worked through the
D. will be finished summer. * A. take on / B. catch on / C. catch up / D. take up
146. In all English towns there is a speed ......... of 30 miles an 9. In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large ......... from
hour. * A. control / B. allowance / C. condition / D. limit his bank. * A. loan / B. finance / C. capital / D. debt
147. In Britain home ownership has ......... rapidly since 1960. * A. 10. In order to finance the project the Council will have to get a
enlarged / B. raised / C. grown / D. heightened large ......... from the bank. * A. profit / B. interest / C. gain / D.
148. In Britain it is ......... for children to attend school between the loan
ages of five and sixteen. * A. enforced / B. obliged / C. 11. In some countries children use pocket ......... when doing
compulsory / D. made mathematics. * A. calculators / B. computers / C. counters / D.
149. In Britain the ......... are all painted red. * A. letter boxes / B. robots
letters box / C. letters boxes / D. letter s boxes 12. In some countries more and more young people now need
150. In Britain the ......... on a letter is now twelve pence. * A. ......... teeth. * A. false / B. spare / C. untrue / D. unnatural
postage / B. posting / C. post / D. postal
Compiled and Edited by Truong Ngoc Thanh Le Quy Don Upper High School
13. In some nations coffee is the favorite beverage, while ......... * 27. It ......... a lot of patience to be a nurse. * A. uses / B. takes / C.
A. I like tea / B. in has caffeine / C. in others it is tea / D. tea spends / D. costs
has caffeine too 28. It ......... only when the game was over that he felt a little frost
14. In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been bite. * A. is / B. was / C. be / D. being
completely ......... * A. wiped up / B. wiped out / C. wiped 29. It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders. * A.
away / D. wiped off around / B. more than / C. up to / D. at least
15. In spite of her protests, her father ......... her train for the race 30. It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz.
three hours a day. * A. let / B. made / C. insisted / D. caused It ......... * A. might not / B. may not / C. mustn t / D. wasn t
16. In spite of his poor education, he was a most ......... speaker. * able to
A. articulate / B. ambiguous / C. attentive / D. authoritarian 31. It had been a trying afternoon, ......... at about six o clock in the
17. In the ......... of proof, the police could not take action against television breaking down. * A. leading / B. culminating / C.
the man. * A. lack / B. shortage / C. want / D. absence arriving / D. finalising
18. In the legal profession, men ......... women by five to one. * A. 32. It is ......... knowledge in the village that Mr and Mrs Thorne
outnumber / B. supersede / C. overcome / D. outclass quarrel violently several times a week. * A. common / B.
19. In the past, most people believed that the world s resources complete / C. normal / D. usual
could never be used ......... * A. up / B. all / C. whole / D. at all 33. It is a great ......... that the exhibition was cancelled at the last
20. In their latest attack, terrorists have attempted to blow ......... minute after all your work. * A. pity / B. sorrow / C. complaint
the White House. * A. up / B. over / C. through / D. down / D. sadness
21. In this job you must ......... up to the problems and not run away 34. It is a new clock but it does not always keep ......... time. * A.
from them. * A. gaze / B. face / C. raise / D. play certain / B. true / C. accurate / D. serious
22. Instead of ......... about the good news, Tom seemed to be 35. It is cold row. The homeless child wishes he ......... in a cosy
indifferent. * A. exciting / B. being excited / C. to excite / D. to family. * A. has been / B. will be / C. were / D. is
be excited 36. It is dangerous for any town to ......... the interests of its young
23. Is it necessary that he ......... a certificate in English? * A. will people. * A. lack / B. neglect / C. express / D. impress
get / B. gets / C. get / D. would get 37. It is dangerous to ......... out of the windows of the train. * A.
24. Is it possible ......... you at your office? * A. for seeing / B. to hold / B. slope / C. lean / D. bend
see / C. to be seen / D. for see 38. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation s
25. Is that the woman ......... is going out with Alicia? * A. the son ......... * A. inheritance / B. heritage / C. sessions / D. legacy
of whom / B. that s son / C. whose son / D. the son of who 39. It is doubtful whether newspapers ......... governments to any
26. Is there a bank where I can ......... these pounds for dollars ? * great degree. * A. attract / B. influence / C. draw / D. catch
A. exchange / B. turn / C. alter / D. arrange
Compiled and Edited by Truong Ngoc Thanh Le Quy Don Upper High School
40. It is essential that Mary ......... speak English. * A. be able to / 52. It should be easy for Bob to find more time to spend with his
B. is able to / C. was able to / D. must be able to children ......... he no longer has to work in the evenings and on
41. It is in this room ......... we usually hold our meetings. * A. that weekends. * A. even though / B. now that / C. due to / D. but
/ B. which / C. where / D. when 53. It tasted so ......... of lemon that the other flavours were lost. *
42. It is obvious that this polyglot has a gift for languages. * A. He A. hardly / B. forcefully / C. strongly / D. fully
has a language prize / B. He learns many languages / C. He is a 54. It took him ages to ......... living in the new town. * A. used to /
talented language learner / D. He is not good at languages B. accustomed / C. get used to / D. use to
43. It is our wish that she ......... in her life. * A. succeeds / B. 55. It was ......... a simple question that everyone answered it
succeed / C. succeeded / D. will succeed correctly. * A. so / B. such / C. much / D. too
44. It is possible that she will come to our party tonight. She ......... 56. It was ......... and we had to walk quickly to keep warm. * A.
come here tonight. * A. need / B. may / C. should / D. will cold / B. fresh / C. frozen / D. mild
45. It is regretted that there can be no ......... to this rule. * A. 57. It was ......... hot day that we decided to leave work early and
exclusion / B. alternative / C. exception / D. deviation go to the beach. * A. so / B. such / C. a so / D. such a
46. It is still a good idea to know how to type, ......... the many 58. It was ......... best film I had ever read. * A. the / B. an / C. a /
technological advances in typewriters and word processors, a D. no article
skilled operator remains indispensable. * A. Because of / B. In 59. It was ......... an interesting speech that everyone stayed till the
spite of / C. In case of / D. In addition to end. * A. such / B. so / C. very / D. too
47. It is suggested that John ......... harder. * A. work / B. works / 60. It was ......... that we went for a hike in the mountains. * A. so
C. worked / D. to work nice a day / B. such nice day / C. so nice day / D. such a nice
48. It is too early in the ......... to expect many visitors to the town. day
* A. term / B. season / C. time / D. calendar 61. It was a good game, and at the end the ......... was Scotland 4, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]