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the the of of to makemake clamping easier.
ing to clamping the joints easier
Also, lightly sand- tight. But there is one thing you can do
220-grit sandpa- ing the joints easier.
fingers with with 220-grit The answer use use clamping blocks
fingers 220-grit The answer is to is toclamping blocks
ing the ends of the to make clamping the joints easier.
per will will keep help The answer is to use clamping blocks
help will
sandpaper help positioned alongside the joints. You You
sandpaper positioned alongside the joints.
clamping blocks
fingers with 220-grit The answer is to use You can
glue from
keep keep from from can canwhatwhat in the left left photo.
glue glueseeping positioned alongside mean in thephoto.
sandpaper seep-seep- see I meanthe joints. the joints. You
will help seepositioned I alongside
ing into intoend end This works especially well when using
into the end graingrain This works especially well when using
ing the the grain see what I mean in the left photo.
keep glue from seep- can see what I mean in the left photo.
where it s more This works especially well when (For (For
where it s moremore dif- clamps for larger projects.
where it s dif- bar bar clamps for larger projects.
ing to the end grain This works especially well when using
into to remove. small projects don tdon t require much
difficult to remove. ing bar clamps for projects. (For
ficultficult remove. small projects that larger require much
Another option to is pressure, you you don t a bandband clamp
is small projects that wrapwrap projects.
where it s is dif- bar clamps for larger clamp (For
more require much
Another option
Another option to pressure, can can a
fingers pressure, you can assembly
wrap a band
ficult the to remove. small the wholethat .) clamp
projects don t require much
cut to fingers slightly around the
thecut fingers slightly aroundwhole assembly.)
cut the
slightly . longer. way,Apply these simple steps.) to your
around the whole assemblysteps
wrap a band clamp
Another option is to pressure, you can to your next next
longer. This This Apply these simple
longer way,
This way, when steps to your ou re
cut the fingers slightly around the whole assembly.)You re
project includes
{ Clamping. Position a set set of blocks and clamps when you trim trim project that that includes joints. Ynext
{ Clamping. Position aof blocks and clamps next next when you themthem Apply these simple box box joints.
you project that includes get joints. You re
box better-looking
longer. This way, Apply these simple steps to your next
any excess
to the the fingers at corner. This distributes pressure flush, anytrim glue guaranteed to to better-looking and and
tofingers at eacheach corner. This distributes pressure flush, excessthem glue guaranteedget
Clamping. Position a set of joints tight.clamps next to the fingers is flush, any excess guaranteed to get
blocks and at
{ Clamping. Position a set of blocks and clamps nextremoved. you trim them tighter-fitting joints. box joints. You re
evenly and pulls the the is removed. tighter-fitting joints.better-looking and
evenly and pullsjoints tight. when project that includes
each corner. This distributes pressure evenly and pulls the joints tight. glue is removed. tighter-fitting joints. W
to the fingers at each corner. This distributes pressure flush, any excess glue guaranteed to get better-looking and
evenly and pulls the joints tight. is removed. tighter-fitting joints.
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