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pioneers. While it may be lonely out there in the lush wilderness, one thing is certain: The colours are
vivid in the sparkling clean air, and there's got to be an unbeatable excitement attached to stalking
They used to laugh at people who spoke of ghosts in their houses, but today many universities have a
department to investigate reports of the supernatural, extra sensory perception and other strange
happenings that long have been spoken of but never satisfactorily explained. Those who scoffed at the
idea that man might fly were replaced by descendants who were certain man would never travel to
outer space. And now, what's beyond that?
Witches employ a strange power that they think they have explained to themselves. They know
witchcraft works, but how much untapped power there is in the human mind, and where it comes
from, may be things beyond explanation in terms of mere supernormal energy forces. The mysteries
of the mind are as vast and unknown as the farthest star in the darkest skies. And it is only recently
that man has learned to fly. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]