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"Gorgeous women make me nervous."
"As in they can't be trusted?" His silence made his opinion clear.
"Are you going to make a pass at her or something?"
"God, no!"
"Then relax. The worst thing that can happen is she'll jump your bones and you'll get so
wild you break the lab equipment. So stay away from the kitchen and you'll be fine."
He huffed in the phone, but I could hear the laugh he was trying to hold off. "Okay, then,"
he said. "You'll call?"
"Call or come knocking."
"Good enough." We broke the connection. Albert was next on my call list. He answered
on the first ring.
"Jaz? Hang on." The background blare of Albert's t.v. muted. I heard more clicks as he
transferred to his safe phone. "Okay, I'm here."
"I know it hasn't been long but "
"I've got a lead."
"Yeah?" I guess I sounded, well, shocked, because he said, "Hey, I may be a feeble old
Marine, but I still got connections."
"There's something funny about Tom Bozcowski."
"The retired football player?"
"Right. He's had an unnaturally large turnover in interns. Seems they keep getting sick."
"With what?"
"That is interesting. Has the name Mohammed Khad Abn-Assan come up in relation to the
senator? Or maybe Aidyn Strait?"
"Hang on, that first name sounds familiar."
He started to mumble to himself, not so you could understand him, and I heard the sound
of papers shuffling. "Yeah, here it is. I asked my contact for anything unusual, and he
included this little item with the other stuff. Says here Bozcowski had plastic surgery done
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by Assan right before he ran for senator five years ago."
"Thanks. Keep digging, will you?"
"Sure thing."
"Oh, would you find out if any of the senators owns a pool? And look for connections to
technology purchasing for the Agency." I described the faulty beacon without saying how
I'd carried it. No point in starting a fight I didn't have time to finish.
"Yup. Uh, Jaz?"
"Are you eating right? Getting plenty of fruits and vegetables and all that stuff? I'm just
asking because Shelby's been lecturing me on nutrition. You'd be surprised what good
food'll do for you."
"Don't worry," I said, both exasperated that it took this long for the blockhead to figure
out maybe he should eat well, and warmed by the fact that he gave a crap about my health,
"I'm eating fine." So's my vampire friend, but we won't get into that. No sense in flirting
with a strode at your age, Albert. "Why don't you call Evie? She definitely needs a good
lecture on nutrition."
"Maybe I will."
I hung up. Vayl glanced over at me and both his eyebrows went straight up.
"What is the source of your evil grin?" he inquired.
"I sicced Albert on Evie."
"I thought you loved your sister."
"I do. She'll worry less when she hears from him, and that's good for the baby. So's eating
right, which is all he'll probably talk about."
"I see. Is that the only reason you are smiling?"
"I think we found our leak."
Chapter Twenty-One
P r e v i o u s T o p
N e x t
Club Undead waved its tacky tombstones at us as we drove slowly by. A new bouncer
watched the front, where only the loveliest and palest of partiers lined up for their chance
to touch immortality. Beside the bouncer stood a sign on an easel that hadn't been there
before. A mix of words traced in neon colors spelled out the message Welcome to Jazz
Night, only the colors were arranged so that the words "Welcome Jaz" stood out in
glowing yellow relief against the black of the board. An arrow drawn in the same glowing
yellow pointed straight up.
"Do you see it?" I asked, leaning past Vayl to get a better view. "I do."
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"Do you think Cole's in there surrounded by goons who're just waiting to shoot me?"
"I would say that is the most likely scenario."
Even with the heater on and my jacket buttoned, I felt chilled. But my fear factor didn't
matter. Cole needed me. "Let me off at the corner, okay?"
"What are you going to do?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]