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more, and his cock was so hard that it was
pressing against his jeans like it was begging to get
There, Marty said. Now that you got your
kiss you better go before you get into trouble. You
better come back in one piece, too, or else I m
going to be pissed.
You do make me feel so loved, Lawson
smirked, before he turned around, then ran off.
I know how hard it can be, Keegan offered,
once Lawson was out of sight.
The Defeat of Lawson
What are you talking about? Marty asked, his
eyes still gazing at the spot Lawson disappeared
When somebody you care about goes off on a
mission and leaves you behind. I always feel
scared as hell when Carson goes off on one.
Carson is my mate, by the way.
Marty gave a tiny smile. I met him my first
night here.
Keegan rolled his eyes. I ll answer the question
before you even ask it the reason I m able to put
up with him is because I love him so damn much,
I m able to overlook all his faults. That s what love
is all about. I m sure I have many faults of my own
that he turns a blind eye to. Like, for example, I
have a photographic memory, so I never forget
Marty couldn t help but be impressed.
Keegan gave him a droll look. Not a single
thing. So when Carson and I fight, I can bring up
everything he s said and throw it back in his face.
Talk about an unfair advantage.
Yeah, so he s told me on numerous occasions.
Marty looked back at the crowd. How long
does a mission usually take?
It all depends on what they re up against and
how many hostile shifters they have to take out.
There really is no way of knowing for sure.
Stephani Hecht
Usually, on such a high-priority case like this one,
it s a while.
Marty s stomach dropped. He didn t know if he
could wait that long to find out if Lawson made it
through okay or not. He brought his fingers to his
mouth and began to nip at his nails.
Keegan reached out and pulled them down.
Why don t we start your shifter lessons? That
will help pass the time.
Marty let out a nervous laugh. Lawson forgot
to mention that I m a tad bit nervous about the
lessons. I ve only shifted once, and it was when I
was alone and didn t even know what was going
Ouch! Keegan said. This is going to be
daunting. But don t worry. You re not the first
shifter I have talked through the process. If we
work together, we ll get you there. Who knows, by
the time Lawson comes home, you may be able to
surprise him by telling him you are on your way
to controlling your shift.
Marty gave a sad shake of his head. Somehow
I don t see that happening.
Keegan gave Marty an encouraging smile.
Who knows? Stranger things have happened.
* * * *
Spiders! It had to be fucking Spiders! While
Lawson would rather walk on a bed of hot coals
The Defeat of Lawson
while wearing a plastic bag on his head, he would
never admit it anybody on his team. So, Lawson
just clutched his rifle tightly, while they drove to
the site, which just happened to be a hospital.
Why those creepy crawlies had decided to
attack a hospital, where the weakest of the
humans were, was a mystery to Lawson. He did
know one thing, it was a new low for any type of
hostile shifter. Going after healthy humans was
one thing, but to have a go at the sick and infirm
was just a coward s move. There was no arguing
about it.
As they pulled up to the hospital and Lawson
saw the giant fuzzy creepers climbing up the walls
of the building, he felt a burning rage go through
him. All of the sudden his fear of Spiders flew out
the window. In fact, Lawson wanted to jump out
of the van and rip apart every one of those
demented arachnoids limb-by-limb. Then he
wanted to feed them to the Spiders before he
burned them alive.
Those bastards. They ve gone too far this
time, Lawson snarled.
Cain let out a snort. First felines, and now
humans. You ve really become a bleeding heart
Shane, who was briefly assigned to the team,
brought back his elbow and slammed it into
Cain s nose. Blood splattered everywhere. Cain let
out a yelp before he cupped his hands over his
Stephani Hecht
face. When everybody turned to look at Shane, he
gave a little shrug. What? He was annoying me.
You all can t tell me I was the only one that
wanted him to shut up.
Lawson almost laughed when there were
several nods from the rest of the team. Until that
moment, he d never realized just how much Cain
had been hated. It went to show that God really
didn t like ugly. Which was made Lawson wonder
why he d been so blessed to have found
somebody as amazing as Marty. Because the old
Lawson sure as hell hadn t deserved him.
The leader of Lawson s group stood up. Okay,
while I want to have your rifles at ready, we all
know that we ll be using our flamethrowers more
in this battle. So, make sure you have your tanks
on and at ready. I, also, want you to make sure to
work in teams, and watch for cross-fire. The last
thing I need is to be bringing in burnt soldiers into
the infirmary. We ll have enough casualties as it is.
Does everybody hear me?
As one, the group replied, Yes, sir!
The van came to a skidding stop, and the
soldiers poured out of the back of the van. Lawson
could see that there were several other vans
present and that nearly almost every team from
the coalition had been called out for the battle.
As soon as their boots hit the ground, the
Spiders were on them. Lawson let out a savage
growl. So, the fuckers were in the mood to play.
The Defeat of Lawson
Well good, because so was he. He put his rifle in
the holster on his back and grabbed his
flamethrower instead. May as well get right down
to business.
Shane came over to stand to one side of him,
while Carson came up on the other. They took aim
at one Spider and let loose. At first, the Spider
merely acted annoyed. It even kicked out with one
foot, hitting Lawson. He went flying back several
feet, before painfully hitting the ground. Even
then, he did a few rolls before coming to a stop.
Even though every bone and muscle in
Lawson s body told him to stay down, Lawson
sprang to his feet and ran back to his position. He
once again let loose with his fire. This time, the
Spider didn t think it was so funny. It started
letting out little shrieking noises.
The smell of burning hair and flesh began to fill
the air, stinging Lawson s nostrils. While he hated
the smell, he relished it, too, for it meant that they
were doing some serious damage to their
The Spider stopped fighting back and went into
defensive mode. It tried to wobble away, but the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]