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for Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and daughter for Boston."
The young man didn't reply, merely looked at him. Then, a rich baritone voice to Shannon's left said:
"M'sieu' Shannon?"
Shannon looked directly into the handsome face.
A hand was extended toward him offering an opened folder of credentials.
"Julian Forrest, sir ... Inspector of the RCMP. We'd like a word with you if you'd step over here
please," the well modulated voice spoke while a hand drew him firmly out of line.
Another thinner and pointed-chinned individual had moved up to take hold of Madeleine, and still a third
was endeavoring to remove Igat from her arms.
"Wh-What the devil's the meaning of this?" Shannon stammered, clutching tightly to the bag in his hand.
"You don't know, M'sieu' Shannon?" Julian Forrest questioned, his little smile prevalent. "You're not
aware that we have kidnapping laws in Canada?"
"Kidnap ... what the devil are you talking ...?" Shannon started, then stopped abruptly.
"Come on, come on, my dear chap," said Forrest. "Let's not make any trouble, shall we? After all ... a
Ministre de la Gouvernment's child, M'sieu'? You must've realized the chance you were taking, eh?"
Shannon looked to Madeleine, understanding coming slowly. Oh God ... no! It couldn't be ...! Christ!
He was certain she would've made a deal with Girarde ... not just stolen the kid ...!
"My baby!" Madeleine screamed. "You can't take my baby ...!"
They led them from the building with Julian Forrest taking the valise from Shannon. Madeleine continued
to scream and fight them while Shannon walked along in a stupor.
"It's the Girarde baby ... kidnapped this morning ... in all the papers ... kidnapped ... kidnapped!" came
voices of onlookers as they were ushered to the street.
"Good God, M'sieu', what have you got in this bag?" asked Forrest puffing as he pushed Shannon into
the automobile ahead of him.
"My toothbrush," replied Shannon, hollowly. "Listen, Inspector ... the girl ... she had nothing to do with
this. I planned and pulled the whole thing ..."
"Really?" said Forrest, moving in beside him. "Well ... I'll just have a little chat with her anyway. We're
old friends you know, Madame Poirier and I ... In fact, I owe her a little something."
"Old friends ...? I didn't know," said Shannon. "But that's good ... she needs all of the friends she can
find right now. You ... you'll see that she's taken care of, Inspector ...?"
"Most certainly, M'sieu'. You can rely on that." He looked over at Shannon in the semi-darkness, an
almost evil light dancing in his eyes. "I'll see that she's well taken care of."
The End [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]