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analysis of, 137-138 Opening scene; Second scene
climactic, 71-73 criteria for deciding direction of, 63
expository vs. dramatic, 24-27 direction of, 96-97
formal structural design of, 74-78 end of. See Climax; Denouement; End,
opening. See Beginning, Opening scene of story
parallel running, 77-78 implicit promise of, 7-10
second. See Second scene listing events of, to determine scenes,
thinking in, 67-70 68-70
vs. plot, 67-68 logical climax for, 108-109
Second scene middle of. See Middle, of story
options for, 32 problems with, 3
writing exercises for, 50-51 traditionally plotted, 121
Villains, motivation of, 88-90
See also Novel, Short story
Violet Clay, 57
Story time, continuing in, for second scene,
Structural design
Wakefield, Dan, 129
choosing, 78
Wolfe, Gene, writing technique of, 98
formal, 73-78
Wolfe, Tom, 53, 109
Style. See Sentence construction, Tone
World According to Garp, The, epilogue in,
Success, fear of, 94-95
Symbol, use of, in contemporary literary
short story, 122-123 Wouk, Herman, 89, 129
T as editor, 137-138
Throughline, 66-67 as reader, 133-134
Time Writer's block, 92-93, 99-100
balancing, through parallel running, advantageous, 95-96
scenes, 77
techniques to overcome, 97-99
establishing, in flashback, 35 Writing
"To Build a Fire," second character in, 48 building up to steady routine of, 102
Tone, achieving credibility through, 20-21 as craft, 2
Traditional plotted story, 121
methods of, 28-29, 67
Trollope, Anthony, 101
practicing, 2
techniques to motivate, 97-99
U Writing exercises
Uniqueness, using details to establish, 15 for beginnings, 58
Updike, John, 140 for ends, 118-119, 130-131, 142-143
series books of, 116 for middles, 78-79, 90-91, 102
for opening scene, 30-31
V for revising beginning, 52-53
Viewpoints, regularly recurring, 75-76 for second scenes, 50-51
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