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Frances glanced down at the redheaded man beneath her. The only other time she had seen him was at
Jim and Valerie's wedding. "Fag, hell!" she shouted at her husband. "I can feel his cock clear to my
tonsils---which is a damn sight further than I ever felt yours!"
"You never wanted to feel mine!" Richard retorted, grabbing Jeanne's breasts in his hands and shaking
them from side to side.
"Is he hurting you?" Mike asked the girl beside him.
Jeanne shook her head and twisted her face to the side to kiss him.
"This is a gas, huh?" she whispered.
"Pay attention here, son," Frances said to Mike, reaching down to turn his face toward her. Then she
said to her husband, "I might if you could ever keep it hard, you impotent bastard."
Valerie could see perfectly well how Mike's cock was impaling her mother-in-law's raven-haired cunt.
The fat pink shaft of his prick bulged with lavender veins and when Mrs. Davis rode down on it, it
buckled a little, then shot straight up into the clutching red channel.
"That's my own mother!" Jim whispered to no one.
"It's practically incest," Valerie said, unable to suppress her grin any longer. She reached over and felt
the bulge in the front of her husband's bell-bottomed trousers. "You've got a hard-on," she whispered to
Richard grabbed Jeanne's hips and pulled her harder against his thrusting cock, even though the blonde
was already humping rapidly up to meet his strokes. "It seems damn funny," he gasped to his wife
between plunges into Jeanne's juicy snatch, "that I'm only ever impotent when I'm in bed with you." He
gasped a little, then added, "If you ever showed any interest in sex, I'd show you how impotent I am!"
Frances groaned a little, her tits bobbing as Mike plowed his cock unexpectedly into her hot, palpitating
channel. "Unnnh!" she moaned. "If you'd ever make love ... like a man ... instead of a jackrabbit ...
maybe ... God, what a hot prick you've got, son!... Maybe I'd show a little interest!"
Richard stopped humping into the girl beneath him and raised himself on his hands until his wife was
forced to acknowledge him by settling her weight down on Mike's pulsing cock.
"I'll kiss your ass on the bank comer at high noon," Richard told her, "if I'm not just as good in bed as I
ever was."
Frances lifted herself up until Mike's fat cock slurped out of her cunt and smacked against his abdomen.
She lifted her leg over him, her white thighs jiggling slightly. "Prove it!" she said to her husband, lying
down between Mike and Jeanne, her thighs spread in invitation.
"By God, I will!" Richard said, slurping his cock out of Jeanne's cunt and rolling quickly on top of his
wife. "How does that feel, huh?" he demanded, thrusting his cock into her cunt to the root.
Frances threw her arms around his shoulders and bumped her cunt up at him. "It feels like old home
week," she sighed.
No sooner had Richard withdrawn his cock from her cunt than Jeanne jumped up from the bed and ran
around to the other side. "Mike!" she said, lifting his cock to a perpendicular position. "I never knew you
had such a big one!"
Jim pulled Valerie into the living room and shut tile door. "I can't watch any more of this," he said. "My
own parents!"
"That's the trouble with you," Valerie said, pressing her tits against his chest. "You're almost as prudish
about sex as I am."
"I'm not prudish about sex!" he retorted. "You're the prude!" He held her in his arms and looked over
her shoulder at his brother, who was still lying on the couch. "At least," he added, kissing his wife on the
ear, "you used to be."
"You're still hard," Valerie whispered to him, bumping her pussy against the distension at the crotch of
his pants.
"What happened here today?" he asked, letting her unfasten the top button to his pants.
Valerie undid the second button and pulled his zipper down. "I'm not exactly sure," she said, fishing
through the fly of his bell-bottoms for his cock. She could feel it, hot and hard, through the fabric of his
jockey shorts. "Anyway," she said, pulling her hand loose to push her husband's pants down around his
hips, "it's too complicated to explain." She began to unbutton his shirt, then stepped back and pulled off
Richard's shirt when Jim began to undo his buttons himself. "But one thing for sure," she said as Jim
stepped out of his pants and tossed his shirt over his sleeping brother's face, "a marriage has definitely
taken on a new shape here today."
Jim put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to him, his hands sliding down her back to cup the full
cheeks of her ass.
"You mean you're ready to come back to me?" he whispered, his fingers slipping in the remnants of
whipped cream that greased the cleavage of her buttocks.
"I was talking about your mother and father," she said, wiggling against his hairy chest so that she could
feel the tips of her breasts begin to erect against his nipples.
"But what about us?" he protested, his cock lifting between her legs. "That's why Mom insisted that she
and I come over here, Val. You and I were meant to be together. Can't you see that?"
Valerie pulled away from him and walked around to the far end of the coffee table. Unsure quite what to
say, she picked up the last tomato from the green basket and bit it in two. She glanced down at Rich,
absurd as he was in Jeanne's bathrobe. And she thought about the date she had almost had with Mike
Duckworth. Then she looked back at her husband and finished chewing the tomato. She tossed the
uneaten half back in the basket.
"I'm not so sure we were meant to be together, Jim," she said.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, exactly," she admitted. "That's the trouble. That's why we're separated. I'm not so sure I
want to stay married to a man who comes to my house to ask me to come back to him in the company
of his mother."
Jim walked over to her and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Then he cupped her heavy breasts in his
hands, rubbing his thumbs over the nipples.
"You can't say you don't like this," he said. "You can't say we weren't good in bed together. At least not
in the beginning. It can be like that again, I promise."
Valerie looked up at his dark, handsome face. She was afraid to look at his eyes, because she knew
how weak they could make her when he used their bright-blue persuasion in combination with that
sincere baritone voice. But she did look into his eyes, and she was a little surprised at how calm she felt,
even though he was rubbing her breasts and she could feel the heat of his heavy cock through the fabric
of his shorts.
"Of course I like it," she told him, maintaining contact with his eyes. "But there's got to be more to it than
that." She put her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his chest so that she could feel the
hair against her cheek and hear his heart beating as she had done so many nights when they had lived
together, happily or unhappily. "I don't know what," she whispered, her lips moving moistly against his
chest, "but there's got to be more to it than that."
"You're a woman," he said gently, "and I'm a man. What more to it can there be?"
"I'm also a human being," she said.
But she let him draw her down on top of him on the carpet, and she returned his kiss when he thrust his
tongue into her mouth to caress the hot dome of her palate.
Then he rolled her onto her side and she waited patiently while he skinned out of his shorts and tossed
them across the room. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]