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straining cock furiously.
C mere, Echo slurred, and pushed up on one elbow.
Vapre didn t even question it. He inched forward, palmed the
back of Echo s head, and pushed inside his willing mouth with a long,
low, groan of pleasure.
Too exhausted to move, Echo let Vapre set the pace as he clamped
his lips around the hard flesh. Vapre pumped twice, three times, then
pushed to the back of Echo s throat as he howled out his release.
Echo backed off just enough to catch his mate s seed on his
tongue, letting it pool there before swallowing it down quickly.
Mmm, he loved the taste of his men.
Sweet hell, Vapre panted, pulling out of Echo s mouth and
sitting back on his heels. I needed that.
The others murmured their agreement, including Echo. Syx s
flaccid cock slipped from his hole, and cum began to dribble down
Echo s crease, which led him to another thought. How the hell are
we supposed to clean up?
* * * *
You assholes are damn loud, Pax complained when Syx and his
lovers finally emerged from the tent. The sun was fully up, and the
two shifters already had coffee brewing over the campfire.
So are they, Jet mumbled as he jerked his thumb toward Gage
and Mac s tent. How a person is supposed to sleep through all that
damn noise, I don t know.
66 Gabrielle Evans
Syx frowned. Not because he felt embarrassed or guilty about
what he d done with his men, but because he thought Pax and Jet
were lovers as well.
So, did you jerk off? Myst asked with a wicked grin. Did it get
your motor running?
Oh, I got a nice wake-up blow job, Jet tossed back, smiling just
as mischievously. Just saying it would have been nice if that blow
job had come a couple of hours later. He leaned over and kissed
Pax s temple. Thank you.
Pax flushed, but smiled in return. Anytime, love.
Syx laughed under his breath. Okay, so at least he d been right
about one thing. Not only were the shifters heating up the sheets, they
cared about each other. He didn t know if it was love, and it wasn t
really any of his business, but there was a deep bond there,
So, what are we doing today? Echo asked around a yawn.
Well, after I get to shrivel my balls off in the fucking stream. I really
wish I had thought that through before I ended up with cum dripping
down my thighs.
Pax and Jet roared with laughter, falling against each other and
hugging their sides. Why do you think we went with blow jobs? Jet
Yeah, well, you didn t have four horny men to please, either,
Echo countered with an arched eyebrow.
Jet continued to laugh, but nodded. Point taken.
Well, I have an idea of how to find this cave. I can t guarantee it
will work, but it s worth a shot. Everyone sobered immediately and
turned to look at Syx. He fought not to fidget under the scrutiny. With
Hex gone, and Eyce at home, the leadership fell to him. It wasn t a
role he assumed often, and he hated having everyone waiting for his
next command.
So, let s hear it, Echo prodded. What s the plan?
Shades of Black 67
I m going to try to look inside Pax s and Jet s minds. Even if
they don t remember how to get to the cave, maybe something in their
memories will give us a clearer idea of where to begin our search.
Echo beamed at him. That s a brilliant idea.
Syx dipped his head in gratitude before addressing the shifters.
Do you think if you shifted that maybe you could scent out the
place? I know it s been a while, and it s snowed twice since then, but
maybe you can pick up something.
Jet and Pax looked at each other then back up to Syx. Yeah, we
can try, Pax answered slowly. Just don t freak, okay?
You ve said that before. Echo stepped in front of Syx and
cocked his head to the side. Why do you keep saying that? I m
mated to a bunch of freakin demons. Why would I freak?
Because we re not regular wolves, Jet answered. We re really
big fucking wolves, and we just don t want you to be scared of us.
We re completely sentient when we shift, and we would never hurt
any of you.
I never thought you would. Echo fisted his hands on his hips
and chuckled. You worry too much. Believe me, I ve seen weirder,
and I haven t cracked yet.
Syx bit his tongue, but he couldn t help wondering how much
longer it would be before Echo finally broke under the strain. The
mind could only take so much before it rebelled and shut down
Hopefully, they d find the answers to this mess before that
happened to his mate.
68 Gabrielle Evans
Chapter Eight
Echo sighed and shook his head. I don t know what to do. It s
been three days, and we still haven t found anything. We re trying,
but it s just not working.
You seek in the wrong places.
Funny enough, I figured that on my own, thank you.
The Oracle laughed softly. You misunderstand. You seek in
misguided places to discover the answers you want. She pressed her
palm to Echo s chest, just over his heart. You are blinded by your
I don t want him here, Echo growled. I will not let Craze just
strut in here and take what belongs to me.
Nor would I expect that of you. He will be valuable, however.
His powers are far reaching and in tune with the perils you will face.
Then why can t you just bring him here like the others? Why
does Hex have to go after him? Echo fisted his hands on his hips and
kicked at the thick grass like a petulant child. He shouldn t have
Your lover has many troubles, the Oracle answered softly. It is
not always easy to be accountable for others. I cannot interfere with
free will. I can lead them, but I cannot force them to follow. She
sounded sad as she spoke.
Echo didn t like how it tugged at his heart, so he changed the
subject. What about Syx? We don t even know what the task is, let
alone how to win.
Shades of Black 69
Skill with a shield and sword are not the only useful abilities in
battle, the Oracle answered cryptically. Syx will prove himself in
other ways.
Great, but we still have no idea what s coming. Echo threw his
hands up in frustration and began pacing through the flowers. Why
won t you help us? He practically screamed the words, and his chest
rose and fell rapidly as he struggled to control his anger. If you have
nothing helpful to offer, then just leave us the fuck alone!
The minute the words left his mouth, dark clouds began to swirl in
the sky, blotting out the sun and sending the temperatures
plummeting. A strong wind whipped his hair around his face, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]