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Dordolio and departed. The voyage was at an end.
Reith bade the captain goodbye and with Traz and Anacho went ashore. As they
stood on the dock Dordolio approached. He spoke in an offhand voice. "I now
take my leave of you, since I depart immediately for Settra."
Wary and wondering as to Dordolio's motives, Reith asked: "The Blue Jade
Palace is at Settra?"
"Yes, of course." Dordolio pulled at his mustache. "You need not concern
yourself in this regard; I will convey all necessary news to the Blue Jade
"Still, there is much that you do not know," said Reith. "In fact, nearly
"Your information will be of no great consolation," said Dordoho stiffly.
"Perhaps not. But surely he will be interested."
Dordolio shook his head in sad exasperation. "Quixotic! You know nothing of
the ceremonies! Do you expect simply to walk up to the Lord and blurt out your
tale? Crassness. And your clothes: unsuitable! Not to mention the marmoreal
Dirdirman and the nomad lad."
"We must trust to the courtesy and tolerance of the Blue Jade Lord," said
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"Bah," muttered Dordolio. "You have no shame." But still he delayed, frowning
off up the street. He said, "You definitely plan to visit Settra then?"
"Yes, of course."
"Accept my advice. Tonight stop at one of the local inns-the Dulvan yonder is
adequate-then tomorrow or the next day visit a reputable haberdasher and put
yourself into his hands. Then, suitably clothed, come to Settra. The
Inn on the Oval will furnish you suitable accommodation. Under these
circumstances, perhaps you will do me a service. I seem to have misplaced my
funds, and I would be obliged to you for the loan of a hundred sequins to take
me to Settra."
"Certainly," said Reith. "But let us all go to Settra together."
Dordolio made a petulant gesture. "I am in haste. Your preparations will
consume time."
"Not at all," said Reith. "We are ready at this moment. Lead the way."
Dordoho scanned Reith from head to toe, in vast distaste. "The least I can do,
for our mutual comfort, is to see you into respectable clothes. Come along
then." He set off along the esplanade toward the center of town. Reith, Traz
Anacho followed, Traz seething with indignation. "Why do we suffer his
"The Yao are mercurial folk," said Anacho. "Pointless to become disturbed."
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Away from the docks the city took on its own character. Wide, somewhat stark,
streets ran between flat-faced buildings of glazed brick under steep roofs of
brown tile. Everywhere a state of genteel dilapidation was evident. The
activity of Coad was absent; the few folk abroad carried themselves with
self-effacing reserve. Some wore complicated suits, white linen shirts,
cravats tied in complex knots and bows. Others, apparently of lesser status,
wore loose breeches of green or tan, jackets and blouses of various subdued
Dordoho led the way to a large open-fronted shop, in which several dozen men
and women sat sewing garments. Signaling to the three following him, Dordoho
entered the shop. Reith, Anacho, and Traz entered and waited while Dordoho
spoke energetically to the bald old proprietor.
Dordolio came to confer with Reith. "I have described your needs; the clothier
will fit you from his stock, at no large expense."
Three pale young men appeared, wheeling racks of finished garments. The
proprietor made swift selection, laid them before Reith, Traz, and Anacho.
"These I believe will suit the gentlemen. If they would care to change
immediately, the dressing rooms are at hand "
Reith inspected the garments critically. The cloth seemed a trifle coarse;
the colors were somewhat raw. Reith glanced at Anacho, whose reflective smile
reinforced his own assumptions. Reith said to Dordolio: "Your own clothes are
the worse for wear. Why not try on this suit?"
Dordolio stood back with eyebrows raised high. "I am satisfied with what I
Reith put down the garments. "These are not suitable," he told the clothier.
"Show me your catalog, or whatever you work from."
"As you wish, sir."
Reith, with Anacho watching gravely, looked through a hundred or so color
sketches. He pointed to a conservatively cut suit of dark blue. "What of
Dordoho made an impatient sound. "The garments a wealthy vegetable grower
might wear to an intimate funeral."
Reith indicated another costume. "What of this?"
"Even less appropriate: the lounge clothes of an elderly philosopher at his
country estate."
"Hm. Well then," Reith told the clothier, "show me the clothes a somewhat
younger philosopher of impeccable good taste would wear on a casual visit to
the city."
Dordolio gave a snort. He started to speak but thought better of it and turned
away. The clothier gave order to his assistants. Reith looked at Anacho with
an appraising frown. "For this gentleman, the traveling costume of a
high-caste dignitary." And for Traz: "A young gentleman's casual dress."
New garments appeared, conspicuously different from those ordered out by
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Dordolio. The three changed; the clothier made small adjustments while
Dordolio stood to the side, pulling at his mustache. At last he could no
longer restrain a comment. "Handsome garments, of course. But are they
appropriate? You will puzzle folk when your conduct belies your appearance."
Anacho spoke scornfully. "Would you have us visit Settra dressed like
bumpkins? The clothes you selected hardly carried a flattering association."
"What does it matter?" cried Dordolio in a brassy voice. "A fugitive
Dirdirman, a nomad boy, a mysterious nonesuch: is it not absurd to trick such
folk out in noblemen's costume?"
Reith laughed; Anacho fluttered his fingers; Traz turned Dordolio a glance of
infinite disgust. Reith paid the account.
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