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becoming an argument. One he didn t feel like having. They d been so peaceful
for a few hours.
I do not enjoy the killing. She said it through clenched teeth. Those of
us who appreciate the meaning of our true nature do not seek to become one of
those murderinglupins .
To his amazement, she crossed herself and spit daintily after she said the
name. He cleared his throat. Yeah. Okay.Your true nature. Mind cluing me in?
She reached for the zipper at the top of her high collar and tugged it down.
Beneath her ever-present long-sleeved, black leather jacket, she wore only a
bra. The horny department of his brain noted it matched the panties he d
glimpsed the day before, though she didn t wear them now. They were hanging
over the shower rod in the bathroom.
He didn t have time to dwell on the thought of her naked body beneath the
jeans she d borrowed from Carrie. As Bella shrugged the jacket off her
shoulders, he became more interested in the dark lines of text wrapping her
upper arms.
She held one arm away from her body so he could read it. Some was Latin, some
Hebrew, some a strange language he couldn t identify, and some Italian. The
words all followed their native course, up and down, right to left, left to
right. He picked out a single strand of Latin and translated it easily. A
debt owing to the death of the God-Man,Yeshua , Joshua, Jesus the Christ of
Nazareth, never to be repaid.
The sentence switched unfathomably to Italian, and he lost his ability to
read it. Shaking his head, he grasped her other arm. The seed of Pilate will
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be sown on barrenfields, the harvest of atonement will mock him as killer of
the lamb. Let his blood be on our heads and the heads of our children.
Wolves, Bella said quietly. All of us stem from the descendants of one
man.The Christ-killer.
Max released her and stood, scrubbing his hand over his face. Pontius
If he d believed in God it would have freaked him out.
It is a curse. We seek ways of atoning, to repay the blood debt. She
chuckled bitterly. But how great is the debt of a dead God?
I ve read the Bible. He wassupposed to die. Great, now they were having a
theological discussion. It kind of ruined the end if he didn t.
She shrugged, a little too easy in the acceptance of her fate. Judas
Iscariot burns in hell, as well, but the story would not have been fulfilled
if he had not betrayed Christ. There is no rhyme or reason to God s wrath. It
is something I have come to accept.
It was a heavy thought, and it weighed down Max s mood considerably. That
seems kind of pessimistic and lazy to me.
She pulled her jacket on, momentarily drawing his attention back to her
cleavage. We hear the story of our burden every day as children. When I came
of age, my father had it branded into my skin. It is a reminder that this
curse is a part of me.
Max chuckled. I suspect this has more to do with the differences
betweenlupins and werewolves than either sidelets on.
A slight smile tilted her lips. You vampires think you know everything. But
you are right. The recent division over science versus magic only served to
widen the rift between our factions and drive us to align with the
Movement.Lupins cling to the old Roman ways, while we werewolves have embraced
the earth.
The admission seemed to close the subject. She turned back toTheSanguinarius
, leafing through the pages as though her mind wasn t really on the material
contained there.
Max cleared his throat. I m going to get something to eat before I try and
read any more of Nathan s handwriting. Want anything?
Does a vampire have anything to eat, besides blood? Some of her teasing
humor was back in her voice.
It relieved a bit of the angry tension between them, even if it seemedforced
. I m sure he s fresh out of kibble, but, yes, there s food. Contrary to
popular belief, we can eat. Some of us even enjoy it.
She followed him to the kitchen, which seemed smaller than usual when she was
in it. Max grabbed the teakettle from the dish strainer beside the sink and
turned to set it on the burner. Bella picked that moment to try and squeeze
past him, and they bumped into each other awkwardly.
Their mumbled apologies did nothing to ease the other kind of tension Max
felt. He was too aware of his body, definitely too aware of her body in
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relation tohis, and far too aware of what he wanted their bodies to be doing.
You want me.
He opened his mouth to give her what would probably be a shocked, not witty
response, but he choked on his own spit and coughed violently for a long
minute before catching his breath.Smooth,Harrison .
It is nothing to be ashamed of, she assured him. I am very good looking.
And to a vampire I must seem very exotic.
I m not attracted to you, he wheezed, pounding his chest with his fist. If
anything, I m barely tolerating having you around. I don t like werewolves.
She laughed. Not a friendly laugh.A mocking laugh. Right.
Is it really that unbelievable to you that someone might not find you
attractive? He tried to sound arrogantly amused, but it didn t come off that
well. He turned to the refrigerator and opened the door, searching for another
bag of the premium B positive he d found before. Listen, I m sure that as far
as your species goes, you re a catch. But I m not into the whole doggy-style
thing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]