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expertise to utilize, yet had perversely refused to trade to humanity.
The Galapharma CEO was intrigued. He agreed to consider Emily's proposal, sent
Concern agents disguised as pirates to sound out the Haluk, and was astounded
when the previously intractable aliens bought the deal hook, line, and sinker.
Emily went to work in a Gala-equipped lab on the Haluk colonial planet Artiuk
near the tip of the Perseus Spur. In a gratifyingly short time she
demonstrated how allomorphism might be banished from the Haluk genome. It was
somewhat disappointing to Alistair Drummond that the only feasible vector for
the modification process turned out to be Rampart Starcorp's PD32:C2.
However, he had plans of his own for Rampart, and the Haluk connection could
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only enhance them in the long run.
Emily Konigsberg labored on Artiuk and on planets within the distant Haluk
Cluster for several years, overjoyed that her dream was being fulfilled. True,
the Haluk were slow to show signs of genuine friendliness toward humanity.
They largely remained aloof and suspicious, even toward her, and grumbled over
commercial realties that forced them to hand over extravagant amounts of
valuable elements in exchange for human genetic engineering expertise and
paltry quantities of critical viral material.
Later on, however, when other members of the Big Seven Concerns joined Gala in
"mutually beneficial" illicit Haluk trade agreements, the attitude of the
aliens improved. They willingly paid even higher prices for starships,
computers, high-tech manufacturing equipment, and other marvelous contraband
goods; and while they remained standoffish to Concern agents, they were much
nicer to Emily and to the handful of human colleagues who assisted her good
work on the
Haluk worlds.
Emily Konigsberg's happiest day came in 2229, when she was presented to the
paramount leader of the Haluk Union, the Servant of the Servants of Luk, who
came to Artiuk specifically to meet her. The SSL not only conferred a Diadem
of Honor upon Emily, acknowledging her noble efforts, but also deplored the
continuing lack of genuine rapprochement between their races.
Would she be interested in hearing his suggestion for a new direction in
Haluk-human relations?
Of course!
Was she familiar with the demicloning process, as it was applied to sapient
Well ... it was illegal in the Commonwealth of Human Worlds, as were cloning
and other radical forms of genetic engineering involving intelligent beings.
But the technology was well-
documented in scientific literature.
The SSL seemed to know that. He airily discounted the criminal aspect by
pointing out that both her own great work and Big Seven trade with the Haluk
were also technical violations of
Commonwealth law.
Yes, said Emily. But why in the world were the Haluk interested in
The SSL confessed that he, also, had a great dream. He was positive that if
small numbers of
Haluk were transmuted into human form, they could become potent envoys for
peace among their own people. By making educational tours of Haluk worlds and
familiarizing the xenophobic masses with humanity's goals, customs, and
potential beneficence, the demiclones could defuse
longstanding fears and hostility.
Truly? Emily had asked, not quite convinced.
Indubitably, said the SSL, citing obscure aspects of Haluk psychology.
The human-appearing envoys might also address unrest among the lower classes,
who were resentful because only privileged Haluk were thus far being
stabilized with the expensive
PD32:C2, while the proles were obliged to keep on morphing.
The demiclone envoys could point out that when the Haluk finally overcame
their racial prejudice and proclaimed to the entire Milky Way Galaxy that they
were willing to become brothers (and open trading partners) with humanity,
then surely the humans would reciprocate the gesture, and find ways to
increase supplies of PD32:C2. A great new era would dawn for both races.
Think of it!
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Emily diffidently wondered whether actual human ambassadors might do the
ticklish public relations job better than demiclones.
The SSL thought not. Sadly enough, Haluk dealings with Concern agents remained
grudging because of the inescapable constraints of illicit commerce. Each
side, to be blunt, was wary of being screwed by the other because of the
secrecy angle.
And aside from Concern agents (with the exception of Emily and her
colleagues), no humans of stature interacted socially with the Haluk. Nor
would they ever do so, until the Commonwealth changed its laws.
Displaying a surprising command of human idiom, the SSL described the
paradoxical situation as a Catch-22, wherein the only solution to the problem
is denied by inherent circumstances.
The SSL's words pierced Emily Konigsberg's idealistic heart. She agreed to
devote her efforts entirely to the new project, and also agreed that it should
be kept secret from Galapharma and the
other Concerns conducting backstairs business with the Haluk, lest they
misunderstand and put obstacles in the project's way due to crass commercial

In its final form, Emily's demiclone process required three steps. First, the
Haluk subject was rendered nonallomorphic in the usual manner, receiving a
small amount of human genetic material via PD32:C2. This normally required six
weeks in dystasis.
The second step, preparing the human DNA-donor, required a longer period of
time and more of the vector's wide-spectrum transferase. The human DNA-donor,
resting in dystasis, was carefully infused with selected nonallomorphic Haluk
genes in order to preclude rejection syndrome in the alien demiclone subject.
After twelve weeks in the tank, the human donor was ready, having acquired
superficial gracile appearance as a reversible side effect.
In the third step, the Haluk subject received an enormous amount of genetic
material from the modified human donor. When the transmutation process was
complete, in another twelve weeks, a human-appearing replica of the donor
emerged from the tank. Only the most sophisticated genetic testing would be
able to detect that the individual was an alien.
Becoming the first human demiclone DNA-donor was, to Emily, an act of loving
She hoped that her "offspring" would be a bridge to peace who would inspire
trillions of frustrated and truculent aliens in the Haluk Cluster to become
friends of the human race and live happily and prosperously ever after. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]