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the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below and
when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not
be male nor the female female.....then you will enter the Kingdom ".
The Gospel of Thomas 2:38.
Within the oldest Gnostic traditions we find that a further division is made within the spiritual
classes. The Psychic or Dove class are allowed to reproduce (though not encouraged) and in
fulfil the role of creating children, however, those of the Serpent class are not permitted to re-
produce and in the many traditions were defined as gender-variant or homosexual. This fact
alone explains a lot about descriptions of the Essenes and others being celibate, the meaning of
course, was more non-reproductive than altogether non-sexual. This early tradition centred on
a special priestclass known as the Qadesh or Holy ones, they sustained the Mysteries and were
the innermost initiates. As the Bible fell into the hands of the extremist and literalist scribes
this class was expunged from the text and homosexuals and the gender variant were turned
into the most evil of all criminals. Of course, this was a simple way for the apostate scribes to
write themselves into history and the original priestclass out !
The Gnostic Handbook Page 111
There are so many examples of the Qadesh class hidden within the Old Testament, the "coat of
many colours" for example, was a ritual garment worn by a Sumerian gender-variant priest, in
the Bible the coat survives but the context does not. It seems clear for example that the story of
Sodom and Gomorrah was actually a tale re-moulded by the scribes to suggest a battle between
two religious traditions that of the town of Sodom or Qadesh and the warrior cult of Yahweh.
There are many other Biblical examples, certainly the homo-erotic relationship between David
and Jonathan in the Old Testament springs to mind. While we do not wish to belabour the point
certainly all early Aryan traditions suggest a special elite homosexual (or at least gender vari-
ant) priestly class. The Epic of Gilgamesh has a special relationship between Gilgamesh and
Enkidu, the Druids and Celts were renowned for homosexual priest activity and certainly the
Shaman traditions of early cultures focused on gender variant activity.
This understanding of reproduction is central to the Gnostic view of sexuality. While reproduc-
tion may be necessary for the propagation of the species, it is by its very nature difficult as it
tends to bring our focus back towards the material world. Accordingly, those who choose this
path can only be initiated into the Path of the Dove, in future lives it was envisaged in the old
texts they would reincarnate in forms suitable to enter the Qadesh priesthood.
The reason behind the Qadesh priesthood is quite simple. Reproduction has an energy field
which gravitates towards propagation of the species and hence sustaining the material world.
Accordingly though this field can be modified and a certain liberation achieved (the path of the
Dove) only by total rejection of this field can full liberation be gained. While a heterosexual can
certainly achieve this, it is probably more difficult for them to reject the reproductive urges pro-
grammed in their cellular structure than for a homosexual. At the same time the Path of the Ser-
pent is non-discriminatory, reproduction and reproductive values are the issue, not sexual pref-
erence. The aim therefore, for those on the terrestrial path is to control the influence of the Dia-
lectic field. If reproduction is necessary, and in the Kali Yuga we do have some doubts about it,
then we should apply health rules to ensure the best possible bodies for the incarnation of fu-
ture souls. The aim, however, of the Celestial Path and the Qadesh is obviously very different.
The Bridal Chamber
The aim of those on the celestial path is to achieve liberation in the body, accordingly the en-
ergy fields of the organism must be transformed to a point whereby they will survive the effect
of the manifestation of the Pneumatic Spark from the Treasury of Light. Therefore many of the
technologies of the Celestial path use methods which actually change the energy form of the or-
ganism One of the central techniques used is known as the Bridal Chamber. This ritual was
unique to the pre-Christian Gnostics and was carried into Christian Gnosticism, it was also
clearly alluded to in the early celebrations of the Eucharist and Agape Feast In later history the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]