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the garden to her. It hissed at Nikoli, who jumped back in surprise, and it leapt into her lap,
knocking her book aside.
There is that. How can I leave when my heart is confused as to what I feel? She stroked
the cat s fur, looking down into the gold-rimmed eyes.
No, Bryane, you must leave immediately! The cat shook its entire body, as if trying to
dislodge something unpleasant. There is no time to explain. You must gather your things
and ride for King Taureas.
A cold wind blew the length of her spine, and her fingers stilled. Why?
Bryane? The voice cut through her soul, and time seemed to still. There was an air of
disuse to the word, unspoken for an eternity by the throat it echoed from. It took ages for her to
lift her gaze to the figure beside Nikoli, and a voice in the back of her mind whispered that she
dreamed. Eyes the same shade of dark blue as her own brimmed with tears, and the trace of a
smile showed in the heavy beard.
Father, she whispered.
He opened his arms to her, and her mind closed itself away until only he remained, as she
stumbled forward into his embrace.
You have been causing me some distress these past few days, Thoman admitted
without looking up from the document before him.
Purely unintentional, Father, I assure you. Philip lounged comfortably in the chair
opposite his father s desk. The study s windows had been opened to admit the autumn air, and
he could hear the sound of laughter and conversation from the gardens below. It added a
pleasant note to the drab study, buoying his mood. As is the fact that Nikoli is with Bryane, with
threats of a painful death, should he allow Vlad within sight of her. He chuckled silently at the
memory of his friend s indignant expression when he had given that particular order.
Davis A Matter of Tradition 38
Thoman glanced up, lifting an eyebrow. Unintentional? You were seen on numerous
occasions speaking with Bryane Merison, and Vlad Tahon reported that you spent an afternoon s
ride with her just yesterday. I find it difficult to believe such meetings were unintentional.
There is some small comfort in knowing that neither he nor I inherited Grandfather s
ability to read thoughts. No, I suppose those meeting were not unintentional. I planned the ride
with the lady the previous evening.
As I said, you have been causing me some distress. Thoman returned to his document,
scrawling his signature at the bottom. Your friend, Nikoli, seemed to share my distress when I
spoke of these clandestine meetings with him. He claimed no knowledge of them.
Tell me, Father, do you share all details of your life with your comrades? Philip tried
to keep the edge from his voice, but he suspected he failed. His father chose not to comment,
It is beneficial to have one companion you can unburden yourself to, but if Nikoli is not
your preferred choice, I can understand.
Somehow I doubt you would understand my preferred choice. If there is an accusation
to be leveled against me, Father, I suggest you come forth with it.
There was genuine surprise in Thoman s expression as he looked up. Accusation? Of
course not, Son. I admit, I was concerned that you may have been dallying with the lady, but
then I spoke with Cauld Merison early this morning.
A chill swept over Philip, and he sat straighter in his seat. Cauld?
Yes. I spoke with him yesterday morning, as well as Vlad Tahon, to attempt to gain
some perspective of a nasty little matter from five years ago. I fear I paid little attention to it at
the time, considering it coincided with the loss of your sister, and I wanted to be sure I had both
sides of the story. You are aware of the incident, I assume?
Through secondhand accounts, yes.
Thoman leaned back, stroking his chin thoughtfully. I must confess, I was
contemplating calling for a trial against Bryane, given her shameful actions. Vlad is quite
distressed at her behavior, and he remains confused as to the reason for her refusal. Her father is
equally traumatized, and he was quite surprised to see her arrive here. It was a blatant display of
disregard for propriety, one that has no place in this Court.
However, having spoken at length with her father regarding a conversation he had with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]