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bomb-detection arena in particular, renewed public interest, federal research and development funds, and
advances in computer technology have made today's systems better, faster, and more effective than was
possible ten years ago. But there is still much to be done in terms of both development and deployment,
particularly in the United States. If Lockerbie was a wake-up call, many people feel the United States hit
the snooze button, until TWA Flight 800 crashed.
Keyword(s): technology; antiterrorism; combating terrorism; aviation; inspection of aircraft passengers;
inspection of aircraft cargo containers; inspection of carry-on luggage
Holloway, H.C.; Norwood, A.E.; Fullerton, C.S.; Engel, C.C., Jr.; and Ursano, R.J. "The Threat of
Biological Weapons: Prophylaxis and
Mitigation of Psychological and Social Consequences," Journal of the American Medical Association,
278, No. 5, August 1997, 425-27.
The microbial world is mysterious, threatening, and frightening to most people. The stressors associated
with a biological terrorist attack could create high numbers of acute and potentially chronic psychiatric
casualties who must be recognized, diagnosed, and treated to facilitate triage and medical care. Media
communications, planning for quarantine and decontamination, and the role of community leaders are
important to the mitigation of psychological consequences. Physicians will need to accurately diagnose
anxiety, depression, bereavement, and organic brain syndromes to provide treatment, reassurance, and the
relief of pain.
Keyword(s): first responders; CBRNC; biological weapons of mass destruction; biological terrorism;
biological decontamination; antiterrorism; combating terrorism
Husseini, Sam, Arnold Barnett, and James Flynn. "The Endless Fuse of Terror," MIT's Technology
Review, 100, August-September 1997, 7-8.
The article is a discussion of Mark Fischetti's "Defusing Airline Terrorism" (see Fischetti, Mark). Five
discussions of the April 1997 article are presented. The issues discussed include the technical and cost
issues associated with antiterrorism measures and the privacy and civil rights issues involved in passenger
Keyword(s): aviation security; inspection of aircraft cargo containers; inspection of carry-on luggage;
inspection of aircraft passengers; counterterrorism; antiterrorism; combating terrorism
Library of Congress Federal Research Division Future Trends in Terrorism
Ikle, Fred C. "An Argument for Homeland Defense," Washington Quarterly, 21, Spring 1998, 8-10.
The article discusses the issue of what is the most effective agency to take the lead in crisis management
of a biological or nuclear attack. Ikle argues that the military should be used in place of law enforcement
agencies, as is now the practice, as a response to the National Defense Panel's recommendations (1998)
for homeland defense. g
Keyword(s): first responders; biological attacks; nuclear terrorism
Jain, Vinod. "Thwarting Terrorism with Technology," World and I, 11, November 1996, 149-55.
The article examines new systems to detect concealed explosives, including imaging technology,
radio-wave scanning, vapor- or trace-detection systems ("sniffers"), and neutron analysis.
Keyword(s): technology; antiterrorism; combating terrorism; vehicle inspection; inspection of carry-on
luggage; inspection of aircraft passengers; inspection of aircraft cargo containers
Johnson, Jeff. "FBI, DOE Labs Team Up to Fight Terrorism," Chemical and Engineering News, 76, No.
36, September 7, 1998, 14-15.
Seven Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories will provide technological aid to the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as it steps up activities to fight terrorism. About $5 million has been
earmarked for the counterterrorism research and development program this year. The article discusses the
proposed cooperation and new crime-fighting devices, such as a portable chromatograph-mass
spectrometer instrument to identify substances at a crime scene.
Keyword(s): antiterrorism; combating terrorism; counterterrorism
Kamin, Blair. "The Murrah Building's Replacement: In Search of a Secure Space," Architectural Record,
June 1998, 39.
The article presents the design for the federal building in Oklahoma City to replace the Alfred P. Murrah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]