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thundering in and out of Damien s ass. His hand came down on the bed at
Damien s side, making it sink in under his heavy weight, and he thrust
harder. Their bodies slapped together, the friction both painful and
pleasurable for Damien. Garroe repeated the guttural word and then
pushed all the way to the hilt and held himself there. Damien felt the hot
come released inside of him, and he flattened on the bed, panting and
trying to wet his dry throat.
He had to wait a good ten minutes before Garroe rolled away so he
could stumble weakly to the bathroom for another shower. By the time, he
arrived at the office, he was more than an hour late. As soon as he walked
in, he knew there would be trouble. Mr. Sty happened to be standing
outside his office, and he spotted Damien as he rounded the corner. The
older man sneered.
What are you back here for, Damien? Come to grovel at my feet?
He frowned, wondering what back here meant. This was his normal
schedule. He was late, but the response he got from his boss wasn t what
he expected. Mr. Sty, I m sorry I m just coming in at this time. I had
some family matters
Oh, I ll bet you had some family matters, the man exploded.
Sending your pretty-boy boyfriend to threaten me was a bold move. I ve
Star Runner Eden Cole
been in this business a long time, and I m not going to be intimidated by
the likes of you or him!
Damien blinked. Pretty boy? A sinking feeling started in his stomach.
Sty had to be talking about Garroe. He was sexy and would appeal to a bi-
sexual man. Through the fog in his befuddled mind, he was beginning to
guess what had happened and why Garroe hadn t come to the grocery
store right away on Friday. He d come to Damien s work place to threaten
Mr. Sty.
Around them heads began popping over cubicle walls, and a small
crowd formed at both ends of the aisle. Damien s cheeks grew warm at the
thought of everyone hearing the argument and concluding like Mr. Sty that
he d put Garroe up to what he did.
No matter what you think, he pushed through gritted teeth, I did not
send him here. Nor did I tell him to threaten you. Can we talk about this in
your office?
Mr. Sty s face hardened, and his nostrils flared. There s nothing to
talk about. I left you a message on your phone. You re fired, Damien.
Now leave before I call security.
Damien heard a snicker to the right of him, and he glanced over to see
the guy who d been his competition for the promotion. He guessed it was
all his now. The smug expression on the man s face flared Damien s
temper, but he kept his mouth shut. He d save it for Garroe when he got
Without another word to anyone, he left the office and waited an hour
for the bus. The entire time, humiliation made his cheeks burn and his lips
compress into a straight line. How many times had he told Garroe that he
could handle things and he didn t need him strong-arming Mr. Sty? The
fact that Garroe even knew where he worked indicated he d followed him
at some point with the purpose of interfering in his life. And where had all
his threatening gotten Damien? Nowhere!
Anger rolled in his mind and knotted the muscles in his stomach. By
the time he made it back home, he was ready to explode. He stomped up
the stairs to the second floor and stabbed the lock with his key. As soon he
Star Runner Eden Cole
pushed the door wide, he scanned the small area for Garroe. His lover sat
on the couch and stood when Damien came in. The expression of pleasure
on Garroe s face almost sidetracked Damien, but he recalled how his rival
had laughed at him.
Damien charged across the room and stopped in front of Garroe. I
told you to fucking stay out of my business! he roared. I told you I
would handle things on my own!
Garroe s confusion at his words only fueled his rage.
Sty! You recognize that name? He fumbled in his pocket for the
useless company ID badge and held it up inches from Garroe s face. Get
it now?
Comprehension dawned in the handsome face, and then he took on an
apologetic expression. Damien might have calmed down if Garroe didn t
follow that with a shrug as if it didn t matter. He raised his hands as if to
pull Damien into his arms, but Damien stepped back. Before he knew
what he was going to do, his fist came up and plowed into Garroe s jaw.
For a split second before he connected, he had the impression that Garroe
would allow him to hit him, and he did.
The fact that Garroe would patronize him pissed Damien off all the
more. He swung again, but this time Garroe caught his wrist and twisted
his arm. Damien let out a grunt of frustration when the alien jerked him
around bodily as if he wasn t a big man in his own right. Damien found
himself on the floor face down. Garroe hovered above him, one knee
pressed into Damien s back. He gasped at the ache in his shoulder,
although he was sure Garroe didn t use all the strength he had available.
Damien fought to get loose, but he couldn t get an edge. Garroe barked
a few words into his ear, and Damien went still. After a few minutes,
Garroe let him go, and he rolled over breathing hard. More humiliation, he
thought in disgust.
Garroe held out a hand to help him up, but he knocked it away. Fuck
He stood up on his own and trudged to his bedroom. The only
satisfaction he could get was in slamming the door in the alien s face
Star Runner Eden Cole
when he d followed him. Damien half-expected Garroe to burst in, but
instead he heard the front door open and slam closed. He dropped on the
bed and buried his head under a pillow. His eyes burned, and he shut
Probably going to find someone to have sex with. Like I care, he
muttered. An hour had passed before his misery let him fall into a fitful
* * * *
Damien opened his eyes and looked at the bedside clock which he d
put back in the position he preferred. Two in the morning. The room was
dark. He figured he d better get up and take his clothes off. He d been
sleeping a long time, but that s what came from depression, he guessed.
He tried moving, but a heavy arm kept him in place. That s when he
realized he was in just his boxers, and Garroe spooned him from behind.
At some point, his lover had returned, got him ready for bed, and joined
him. Damien tried not to let the thoughtfulness matter.
While he considered whether or not to toss Garroe s arm off of him
and go sleep on the loveseat no matter how uncomfortable it was, he
noticed the indicator light on his cell phone blinking. No one called him
regularly. Curiosity made him check, and he was shocked to find that Mr.
Sty had called. The voicemail number couldn t connect fast enough.
Damien. Sty here. Was that a tremor in the man s voice? You can
come back to work any time you want& .And the promotion is yours if
you still want it. No strings attached.
Damien gasped. Now he knew what Garroe had been up earlier that
day. He d gone back to see Mr. Sty to get his job back. How did he get Sty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]