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You re in no condition to decide affairs of state on which the future of all
humanity may hinge.
Well what the shidoni shenshay frayed deproda do you expect me to do? Go
crawling back to the Tecton and beg for transfer?
Laneff felt the hot sting of tears in the Gen s eyes, but his face betrayed
none of the anguish he felt. Azevedo did not react to the anger. He simply
said, No, my friend, and held out his hands to the Gen, tentacles extended
in invitation. Simultaneously, his field dropped its masking blur, and pure
need blazed forth so powerful that it rammed Laneff s breath solid in her
throat. What kind of a channel could mask such a need!
Azevedo! exclaimed Shanlun, one hand checked in midair.
Laneff, too, was on her feet now. Two heartbeats later, Yuan pulled back from
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the brink of surrender. His haunted eyes went to Shanlun, as if sensing a
prior claim. It would be against our ethic if you two have an agreement? And
then, hastily, he added, Forgive me, Shanlun, if I misread you. It makes no
sense for a Tecton Donor to be involved with a gypsy channel, but
You don t misread him, supplied Azevedo. He turned to the speechless
Shanlun. You can handle your condition by the training you ve had which Yuan
has not. And you do have Mairis. Yuan has nobody. If Desha can give me to you,
can you not give me to Yuan?
Shanlun met the channel s gaze. I ve no claim on you, Azevedo. I am ambrov
Zeor. Straight as a rod, he turned and left, walking as if he had something
precious balanced on his head.
Azevedo gazed after him, and Laneff read a tearing regret in his nager, a
sharing of Shanlun s disappointment. But then he turned to Yuan, melting into
a compassion that could not be overshadowed even by the bottomless need he
felt. Yuan came around the desk, his whole body quivering in anticipation as
he reached to take Azevedo s proffered hand. The Gen s field was rising again,
but when the nageric blending took place as it had with Shanlun, Yuan
steadied, then blinked and turned to Laneff.
He frowned at the door as it closed behind Shanlun. I ve taken his channel
from him. I don t want to take his woman, too. Laneff, he s the one you
prefer, isn t he?
Yuan, I She couldn t deny it, but she wasn t all that sure in her heart,
Whatever else, said Yuan, he and I are sworn to the Tecton s First Order.
Do you know what that means? At her nod, he urged,. Go to him. And if you
never come back to me, Laneff, then do not fail him.
There was no tinge of jealousy in the Gen now, Azevedo let her discern that.
Then the channel said, This is the real Yuan ambrov Rior. And in the morning,
he ll be able to reconsider this whole matter and create a novel solution.
Laneff didn t want the two Gens to fight over her work or herself. This was
probably the best way to avoid that.
She followed the two men out of the office. In the corridor intersection,
Shanlun was standing among the small knot of gypsies who had apparently come
with Azevedo, two Simes and two Gens. They spoke quietly as Yuan gave orders.
Find quarters for our guests. With careful regret, you will deny them exit.
They may, however, access all the public areas. They are to be treated with
respect. Anyproblems, refer up chain of command. Understood?
Understood! snapped a Sime woman, but she was hard put not to smile at the
new agreement between Yuan and Azevedo. Laneff understood that Yuan had been
particularly difficult to live with lately.
Desha, called Azevedo. A very young Gen woman separated from the gypsies
and came to him.
Shan told me, Azevedo, said the woman in a very thick accent. Her field was
bright, and Laneff surmised that she had been Azevedo s scheduled Donor.If
gypsies have schedules.
In a whirl of crisp orders, the group sorted itself out, Yuan and Azevedo
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disappearing down a side hallway, guards hustling the four gypsies away, and
two more guards trying to spirit Shanlun off with them. But he turned to her.
Laneff, can we talk?
Laneff stepped toward the guards, two renSimes she knew only by sight. Where
can you possibly quarter him? There s hardly a patch of floor to sleep on
We ll put him with the gypsies, in Hyssop Corridor.
Five people in one of those dinky rooms?And zlin his nager?Two of those
gypsies are renSime! Do you think Yuan would ask that of anyone?
The guard looked after the retreating figure of Yuan. Laneff added, Jarmi
and I have a much larger room and I don t use my bed much. We ll take him in.
The two guards zlinned herreplete nager and shrugged. One turned to Shanlun.
Is that agreeable with you?
The second guard shrugged, and Laneff took Shanlun back along the main trunk
corridor toward her lab. I hope you re not sleepy yet. Jarmi is heavily out
of it after our transfer, and
Shanlun beamed. So you didn t kill again! He muttered something in the odd
language she d heard him speaking with the gypsies. I should have trusted
Yuan for that. But who s Jarmi?
She explained tersely,then opened a fire door that led off into a
crisscrossed maze of tunnels. My lab is this way that is, if you re not
Breakfast is yet a couple of hours away.
In the lab, she made trin tea while he inspected the place. She explained
what they had accomplished, how Jarmi had helped, and what she hoped yet to
My heart told me you were still alive, Laneff, but my head wouldn t listen.
Laneff I have never been bereaved like that before. If Yuan hadn t forced me
to stay, I think I d have fought him for the privilege. And I don t think [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]