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# Set system to back-up mode
made during repartitioning and there is a suitable boot diskette
init 1
available in the case of a reconfigured LILO.
As part of the preparation a free partition is required, which # back up root partition
mkdir /tmp/newroot
has to be big enough to be able to accommodate the existing
mkreiserfs /dev/hda6
Linux installation (obviously the system can still consist of several
mount /dev/hda6 /tmp/newroot
partitions). In addition you will need an approx. 30 MB /boot
(cd && tar cplf - . exclude boot) | (cd /tmp/newroot && tar xU
partition (with ext2 file system), since LILO will not work with a
pf -)
kernel on a ReiserFS. /boot is mounted as read-only in normal
# copy over /boot
operation, so that after an abrupt interruption to operations
mkdir /tmp/newboot
there is no need for fsck. But now, step by step:
mke2fs /deb/hda5
mount /dev/hda5 /tmp/newboot
1. First the kernel sources and the patch for the journaling Reis-
(cd /boot && tar cpf - . ) | (cd /tmp/newboot && tar xpf -)
erFS are needed. Warning: there is also a ReiserFS without
journaling! 5. Adapt fstab. Instead of ext2 for root, reiserfs must be substi-
tuted. Also, the root partition has now moved (hda2 after
cd /tmp
hda5). And don t forget the entry for the new /boot partition.
wget ftp://ftp.uk.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.2/linux-2.2U
So: instead of the old /etc/fstab entry for the above example
wget http://devlinux.com/pub/namesys/linux-2.2.16-reiserfs-3U
/dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
Unpack, patch, configure and install the kernel (Warning: Don t the relevant part of the new /tmp/newroot/etc/fstab must look
forget the option Filesystems/ReiserFS in configuration) something like this:
cd /usr/src /dev/hda5 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
rm linux # delete old link /dev/hda6 /boot ext2 ro 0 0
tar -xzf /tmp/linux-2.2.16.tar.gz
cd linux 6. The best way to check whether this comprehensive move has
gzip -cd /tmp/linux-2.2.16-reiserfs-3.5.24-patch.gz | patch -p1
worked, risk-free, is with a boot diskette. This means the deli-
make menuconfig
cate Master Boot Record will be unaffected for now:
make clean && make dep && make bzImage
make modules && make modules_install
# Create boot diskette
# copy kernel over after /boot and install via LILO
dd if=/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage of=/dev/fd0
rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/hda6 # define new root partition
3. After rebooting the tools (especially mkreiserfs) can now be sync && reboot
Once the computer (hopefully) has booted up in the copied sys-
cd /usr/src/linux/fs/reiserfs/utils
tem, all that remains is to modify /etc/lilo.conf for the new envi-
ronment. Before calling up LILO, however, the /boot partition
cp bin/reiserfs /sbin
has to be mounted writeable, since otherwise lilo will
4. Setting up the new file systems and copying across data: in the
mount -o remount,rw /boot
following example /dev/hda2 is the current root partition (inc.
kernel source tree. Unfortunately the roughly 1.3 puters to be switched off without shutting down.)
Megabyte tgz package [4] contains only sparse doc- With XFS and JFS, two projects which have arisen
umentation. Nevertheless a glance at the source out of commercial products have entered the race.
code reveals that the JFS also makes intensive use of Their existing and robust code is currently being
balanced trees and appears to be 64bit-clean. brought up to scratch for Linux by the developers.
But the easily-installed ext3 and in particular the
ReiserFS are already there. The latter can even be
choosen as alternative to ext2 within the graphical
Four highly promising approaches for journalling installers of the latest SuSE and Mandrake distribu-
raise great hopes that Linux will shortly be ascend- tions (SuSE encourages their customers to do so).
ing into higher spheres. This feature is important, Although there are rumours that tell that ReiserFS
not only for enterprise servers, but also for the isn t production stable, at least the author spent six
embedded Linux market, which is growing like wild- month of daily work on ReiserFS-enhanced work-
fire. (In this application it is quite common for com- stations without any data loss!
10 · 2000 LINUX MAGAZINE 33 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]