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for allowing us a fascinating glimpse into your life. Once again, may I wish you a
happy Christmas.
Turning to camera one, he said, To all of our viewing audience, this is Jonathan
Trent, at Castle Morven with the King of Britain, saying good night.
He smiled optimistically, and held his smile until Julie, her hand pressed to her
earpiece, shouted, We re clear!
Trent s shoulders slumped. James felt the tightness in his stomach relax; suddenly he
felt as if he d run ten miles in combat gear.
Tossing aside his notebook, Trent stood and solemnly intoned, Your Majesty, I am
deeply grateful for your willing participation. It has been an honor. As I said a
moment ago, your declaration touched me deeply. I wanted very much to believe
you; I was on your side
You have a most peculiar way of expressing goodwill, said Cal, stepping forward
quickly to join them.
I apologize if I seemed over the top. Perhaps I felt obliged to present the strongest
opposition I could find. Turning to James he said, The fact is, though, I really was
on your side from that moment. I suppose, like most people in this country, I had
pretty much given up on the monarchy. The last thing I wanted was for some
good-looking, smooth-talking, hooray-Henry aristocrat to come along and
bamboozle the nation with a sparkly speech and a lot of cheap razzmatazz.
Trent regarded James as if he might be the long-lost brother he had been searching
for all his life. When the opportunity for this interview came up, I decided it would
probably be my one and only chance to put you to the test. I had to know if you
were for real.
I hope he passed, Cal said, stepping forward. He had by no means forgiven Trent
for ambushing his friend.
Let me put it this way: I threw my best punches today, and he came through
unscathed. I ve interviewed enough politicians, celebrities, and professional con
artists of one kind or another to know when I m being lied to. A fraud would have
cracked under the strain.
Shona appeared just then, her plump face glowing with pride. Well done, Your
Majesty, she said.
Was I okay? asked James.
You were brilliant, sir, she answered. And I m not the only one who thinks so.
Producing a mobile phone, she held it up to her ear and spoke into it, saying, Yes, I
have him now. Here he is.
With that, she handed the phone to James. Hello?
The voice on the other end said, The answer is yes.
She laughed. Of course, Jenny! How many other women have you proposed to
I ll boil the bastard s balls for breakfast! muttered Thomas Waring. He clicked the
remote control ineffectually at the television screen before giving up and throwing the
blasted thing at the TV. Reaching for the phone on the nearby stand, he jabbed a
button. Waring here, he barked. I want Hutch right away.
There was a pause at the other end of the line, and then a woman s voice said, I am
terribly sorry, Prime Minister, but Mr. Hutchens is in New York City for the
Christmas holiday. It was Geraldine Joseph, staff secretary, who had obviously
drawn the short straw on the holiday rota. He is not due back in London until late
tomorrow evening. Do you wish me to ring him for you?
Bloody Christmas, thought Waring. In his anger and agitation, he d overlooked the
fact that his staff was off for the day. He glanced at his watch five hours earlier in
New York; they d just be sitting down to dinner. No, he grumbled, don t call
him. Just tell me who is in town.
There was another pause, longer this time. It seems that Mr. Burton is at his
constituency residence in Dulwich, answered Geraldine. Hmm& Oh, I see that
Mr. Arnold is with his family at Gravesend, and& Mrs. Shah is at her estate in
Kent. She paused once more, and Waring could hear pages turning. I m afraid
those are the nearest, she said at last. All the rest seem to be further afield, Prime
Call Dennis Arnold. Tell him I want to see him as soon as he can sneak away. He
started to hang up, and added, Thank you, Gerry, and happy Christmas.
You re very welcome, Prime Minister. Happy Christmas to you.
He replaced the receiver and walked to the sideboard, and poured a hefty splash of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]