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while playing with himself.
Sophie nodded her head and tried hard to concentrate on the words as he grunted and
moaned while jerking himself off. She could barely read the papers when he patted her on the
shoulder. What do you say? He grunted and for some reason unbeknown to her she
muttered, Yes.
The next thing she knew he was pushing his cock in her mouth and coming. She tried not to
gag as his sperm flooded her mouth. She managed to swallow everything and lick his cock
Good girl. He smiled at her and got up. I think we are going to have an excellent working
She sat there feeling stunned and confused, unsure of what she had just agreed to.
Be sure to go on the patch. He ordered her. The pill is too unreliable, way too easy to
She nodded her head in agreement, suddenly feeling queasy.
We don t want you falling pregnant now do we? He laughed at the look of fear on her face.
No. She tried to smile at him but felt her heart ticking quickly. Not at all. He came over to
kiss her and she kissed him back passionately, happy to be in his embrace. But she couldn t
stop worrying and thinking: What if I m pregnant already?
Chapter 5
The piece of paper flew away quickly in the wind. She watched it go without trying to catch it.
It wasn t that she didn t want to run after it with all of her might. She did. Her head told her to
go and grab the paper and hold on to it tightly. It told her to leave Winterside and to never
come back again. It told her that Maxwell Van Harkel was bad news. But she didn t listen to her
head; she listened to her head. She watched the paper that contained her school schedule for
the next semester float away and she walked back to the house.
Sophie had made a decision. One she wasn t really sure of, but it was a final decision. She was
going to work for Max as his assistant, no matter what the position entailed. She owed it to
herself. She loved him. And she always said that love would come before everything else in her
life, even her education. Her precious Columbia education. What would her aunt and uncle
say? Could she break it to them? They wouldn t understand what possible reason she could
have to take her last semester off. She decided that she wasn t going to tell them. They were
too old to have to worry about her future. She knew that they used their retirement money to
help pay her living expenses; no life insurance policy lasted that long.
She walked into the house and stood in the lobby, thinking back to the night a few days before
when she and Maxwell had done unspeakable things to each other. She walked over to the
large mirror that hung in the hallway and stared at herself to see if she looked any different.
Dark brown frizzy hair. Check. Green eyes. Check. Freckles. Check. Average build. Check. Look
of terror in the eyes. That was new. She was terrified that she was making a mistake; that
somehow she was about to embark on a path that she had been lucky to avoid but was too
weak to stop going down. All of a sudden she wished more than anything that she could run up
the stairs and ask Ella what she should do. Her wonderful best friend Ella. The one who always
had the best advice. The one person she couldn t ask. She wasn t even sure how she was going
to tell her about the time off. She was scared that Ella would guess that she was in love with
her brother. There was no way she could talk to Ella about the way she was feeling.
Hey Sophie. The husky timbre of his voice made the hairs on her arm stand on end. She
turned around slowly, not wanting to show her eagerness to see his face.
Hi. She smiled briefly, taking in his appearance. His face looked unkempt and unlike the
Maxwell she knew. He hadn t shaved in a few days and had a thick layer of stubble, which
made him look even more brooding and foreboding.
Where have you been? I ve been looking for you. His words were harsh and they made her
I was just outside Max. Her words came out high and annoyed. I was just enjoying the day.
Am I able to do that? She was mad at herself for allowing herself to take his bait. Could they
never just have a normal conversation?
You didn t tell anyone. He looked at her accusingly. I asked Ella.
Ella s not my keeper. I can go for a walk.
Do you want Mitch to come and rape you?
What are you talking about?
We ll be targets now Sophie. After what happened at the pub. You need to be more careful.
She looked at him in shock and astonishment. He was crazy. Really crazy. Why would Mitch
stalk her down just to rape her?
Well, I m fine. She looked at him coldly. If you don t mind, I d like to go to the kitchen and
have a glass of water now.
His gaze softened and he sighed. That s fine. Come find me in my study afterwards so we can
About? She was pretty sure she already knew the answer.
The job. He frowned at her. Did you finish reading all of the papers I gave you?
Yes sir. She thought about bowing but didn t think he was in the mood for a joke.
Good. He stared into her eyes and she felt herself getting lost in the blueness of his eyes.
How funny that they looked as blue as the sky today when the previous night they had looked
almost black. There was a glint of excitement in her eyes that was reflected in her stomach
and she felt a ball of nervous anticipation well up inside of her.
I ll see you in about an hour then. He broke their gaze and strode off to his study. Sophie
stared after him breathing deeply before she went to the kitchen. Part of her was still unsure
of what she was getting herself into. She clutched the gold cross that hung from the necklace
around her neck and she prayed that she wasn t making a huge mistake.
She walked to the kitchen slowly thinking about how quickly her relationship with Maxwell
had changed. He had been her rock growing up. He hadn t known it but he had been the
catalyst that had helped her to heal from her heartbreak. When her parent s had died, she had [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]